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Well, This isn’t that hard, as I thought.

That’s what Seokjin thought after spending first day with Jungkook for the training session. He felt  everything to be going right. That soft chuckle, the first touch, everything was a small step to the wish he desires to fulfill.

After he wasted his whole day because it was Sunday—he was ready to spend the Monday with Jungkook in most brightest way. Excited to see him again.
    Unfortunately he got to know that Jungkook hadn’t come to office due to his meeting with some business partners. This wasn’t good for Jin to waste all day. He has limited amount of time.

Tuesday brought hope, but shattered it soon as he knew Jungkook was in Japan for his tycoon friend’s success party. Three days gone without any progress. Seokjin cried whole night, his heart shivering in the days going quickly hopelessly. Hobi felt useless. He was sent here to help, but he could just watch wailing jin with pity.

What shattered his heart more and made Hobi more depressed was a gem stone loosing it’s glow. As if it was on death bed. Indicating the soon death.

Jin could only cry. He didn’t had any other option. 

His heart cheered him that he will come soon. So, in that little ray of hope. He attentively completed all the work. Staying in office late to make himself capable of this job.


“Hey Jin, back to earth.” Jimin clapped his hands before Jin’s face, who was spacing out. Jimin saw how Jin isn’t smiling since Monday. He spaces out alot, talks less, and eyes gloomed.

“Jin you can trust me, is there any problem?” Jin gave a genuine smile shaking his head. “Thank you Jimin, I am fine.”

“Then why are you dull this few days?”

“Just a little fever.” He answered and before Jimin could speak, Jin buried his eyes in work.

“Let’s have a coffee. Come with me.”

“No Jimin–”

“Come on a hot coffee and cinnamon roll will do you good. Please, I’ll pay for it.” He whined and clutched his hand. Jin sighed and nodded. Maybe spending time with this bubbly man will divert his mind.

As they were walking in corridors, they met that handsome guy, Kim Taehyung. “Hey Jimin, hey Seokjin.” He walked towards both man. “I think you both love lurking around.” He teased them.

“Well Taehyung-ssi you are always found in corridors too.” Jimin said.

“I have a reason for that.”

“And what is it?”

“I protect the workers that are being publicly executed by The Jeon Jungkook.” He dramatically spreaded his hands wide like any savior. Jimin laughed and Jin giggled, making Taehyung grin.

“You are so funny Taehyung.” Jimin said wiping tears after hearty laugh. Jin stared at Jimin, who just laughed on not-that funny line. Jimin stopped and furrowed his brows as something caught in his sight.

“Who’s that?” He questioned pointing down. Jin turned around and saw Jungkook with someone. As Jin and the other two was on first floor and Jungkook was on the ground floor, walking through the entrance so he couldn’t see that person properly, but one thing was certain, that person with him was an elegant female.

“Aah, she is Sunmi. Daughter of Choi group company’s owner Choi Hwajae. Jungkook’s father is best friend with him.” Taehyung cleared all questions running in Jin and jimin’s mind.

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