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People with weak mental health, depression, would rather break die than speaking up for it.
So you speak first instead. Be for them, talk to them, ask them, try to send them help. Make them realize that their hands are still in reach to hold. You might never know who you'll lose in coming minutes


“What you want?” Taking a puff from his cigarette, he spoke—coldly staring at Taeyon, who was sitting across him. Before that he had asked her to have some tea or coffee but she refused it.

Just after few minutes of her arrival, she saw woman at a very young age getting into the house very casually as if she came here very often. She walked straight to Hwajae who held her by wrist and refused her today, promising something on the other day. By looking at that woman's  youthful face and too short clothes, Taeyon understood why is she here.
    And to be honest, it doesn't hurt her anymore. All in the past, she had seen this, even worse and the way those river like tears of betrayal flow out got of her eyes dried very soon. Now that river doesn't flow anymore. She learnt to be strong.

“Aah, before that. I have to ask you one thing.” he interrupted as soon she had proceeded to talk. “Where did you go after running away from old age home, huh? I was worried, you know.” He mockingly smirked faintly as he saw his wife taking a sharp breath. He has always loved to push her down.

“Worry? seriously? Do you even care?” She asked squinting her eyes, trying not to raise her voice. He chuckled and shook his head in denial.

“Nope, Just I had to ask. Anyways go on with what you have to say, and be quick.” he pushed himself back,  resting on the comfy leather chair, his eyes close with his lips quietly lipping the song playing on.

“Please...” Taeyon breathed, not liking to beg at this man, but for his son. He opened his eyes as he heard the very first word and looked at her in whole attention, raising his brows. 
    “Please, call off the engagement you have fixed of Jungkook.” He kneeted his brows. How did she know? Must be that Jungkook. He thought, his countenance in annoyance.

“I know you are planning to marry off Jungkook in order to get the  partnership in the buisness from that Choi's. Please Don't do it~” he leaned a forward little, resting his hand on lap.

“That's none of your business.” He dismissed her plea callously.

Taeyon clicked her tongue.
    “It is my business, Jae. He is my son. He is unhappy from this engagement. Why are you pushing him in what had happened to us.” Her lips quivered. “You married me only to get my dad's company partnership right? But in that we were doomed in this loveless marriage. Nothing was happy, we were suffocating in it. Why are you dragging our son into that same situation? Think of us before planning this all.” she begged.

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever I'm doing is for our profit. Jungkook understands need of Choi company's  partnership to get our business on the top. He has never opposed send his help for this plan. So, better stop your drama and leave. I can't believe l let you in to get my time wasted, again!” He clicked his tongue.

Taeyon gritted her teeth. “He didn't opposed this plan because he fears from the threat you give him. The threat of extremely hurting me if he'll won't obey to you. Isn't it Jeon?” her voice came firm. “I know everything Jeon. The way you harass me by those goons so that it creates a fear in him for you. I know you very well.”
     And you think he nodded for this engagement because he is with you? Or he cares for your damn company or partnership? No!—He isn't with you. He is under the pressure that you put on him by the threats, the burden he gets crashed beneath, you've tethered him.
    And to be honest, he feels disgust to call you father.” she scoffed. Raged Jeon banged his head on table.  

“Listen to me Taeyon!” said name flinched. “I care about him too. He is my son too.” This sentence brought an utter rage in Taeyon. She dug her nails into her palm.
   “Doesn't he enjoy all of the profits I earn? He knows what that partnership's gonna bring to us. He is with me because he is hungry for the money and success just like me. Don't you try to bring your overly-attached mother trait between us.”

Now it was Taeyon's turn to bang her hand. “Don't you compare him with you! He isn't vile like you!” she pointed her accused finger on him who's eyes were wide from the way his wife who never said more than a 'yes' to him, now barked at him.
     “How can you call him your son when you wanted me to abort him?” she yelled, her eyes shaking, moist with the tears unshed. “Did you even cared about him when he was born in the very critical condition? Close to death!?” This took Hwajae by surprise. The news and the tone used by his wife. He stared at her grimace and anger in her eyes and face.

“He is born with your blood type. A very rare one. I needed you during  that difficult time of delivery, but... more Jungkook needed you for your blood, for nurture. I called you for the umpteenth times, but you never answered my call, you declined me when we needed you so bad. Do you know where you were at that time? Do you remember, Jae?” Jeon's eyes filled with shame, so he hid those by tearing the gaze away.

“You were in London with your girlfriend, enjoying your youth.” Jeon crushed the cigarette in his hand.

“Luckily, Jungkook was saved by a stranger that had happen to have  same blood type and brought my son back to life, we were fortunate enough at that time. And there, at that exact moment I lost all love and respect, I had for you.” a tears rolled down on her cheeks.

“I never said these things to Jungkook because I didn't wanted to start a hate relationship a between father and son. But, you—you always had your own ways to make everyone lose love they have for you. Jungkook deeply despises you, Jeon.” She wiped her tears harshly and firmly stated last sentence. She stared at her husband who was out of words.

“So don't you ever call him your son. You've lost that will long ago.” she calmed herself by taking deep breath and looked at Hwajae who was in his own thoughts, his eyes in the tension and hands clutched tight around the lighter. She knows that she brought Jeon to shame right now. But that was needed, he needs to understand how he causes to rubble everyone's life. Taeyon's anger, disdain and suffer that she went through all years, was to be spilled at person who brought those to her in the first place.

“He is in great suffer, Jae. His depression and anxiety is eating him up inside. He looks strong but isn't to bear all the burden you put on him. He cries himself to sleep every night. I've heard his tears shedding in alone, the way his eyes are getting cold and dead. His smiles are fading away. I can't see him that way. He's very close from breaking, I'm afraid he'll die this way.” This sentence was difficult for her to speak as she remembered his son and Seokjin's condition. She felt so numb and weak.
    “Do of me whatever you want to. Put me in the asylum. I ready to go. Kill me, claim away the property and business of my dad that is accorded to me. Just leave him alone—I beg you.” He saw her who was trying not to fall on her knees.

“Get out” Jeon spoke through his tight shut teeths.

“What?” She asked not able hear those words as she was busy in sobs, she saw him flaring his nose.

“I said get the fuck out!” He roared. Taeyon shut her eyes as she stumbled on her feet, but balanced. After all this converse and begging vulnerably, this is the answer she got. Unbelievable

“You're hopeless.” she scoffed, ready to walk out but turned around and looked at him, who's face was red and scary, but didnt scared her. “With that cold heart, ill attitude and fetid mind you have, you'll never reach anywhere no matter how hard you work. Your actions will tie you to the place where you truly belong.” she put a curse on him and thomped out.

Boiling in anger, he threw the vase against the wall, a shattering sound echoing with Taeyon's heel's voice vanishing. Brushing his hair, he hung a cigeratte in between his lips, tried to lit it but spit it out.  “Shit”


I'm sorry for a boring chapter.

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