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If we hadn't share the hug two days ago I would have been in alot distress and would be crying my life right now - as the another gem as died. 
       His touch and closeness, that bliss my heart felt was so pleasant that it doesn't give me chance to mourn on loss of gem and a gain of possiblity to fail once again. But, Atleast I felt him, his close unlike my miserable past.

Talking about him. I miss him, even if he isn't in my mind, my heart craves for him always. I haven't seen him for two days - since he is in London for business purpose. Two days seems like eon.
I tried to walk in cafeteria but a sudden weakness took over my body causing me to loose my balance. Before I my face meets the hard floor, I felt someone gripping my waist and saved me—bless that person for he saved my two front teeths. It was Jimin with worried look on his countenance. 

“Seokjin, you look so weak and pale. Are you alright?” I don't know but I'm feeling this weakness, this numbness, running through my body. Strange that I had never felt this before. But, it makes my body ache.

“I'm fine, just little dizzy and by body is aching slightly.” We plumped on the  chair.

“Don't be careless. You aren't well since yesterday. Go and see doctor. I'll come with you.” He gave a strict tone.

“Pain killers will do good.”

“No, I won't listen to you.” He showed his palm to me. I rolled my eyes giggling. “Okay mom.” he laughed.

We had some cinnamon rolls and tea. To boost our rusted brain. And went for resuming work.

I played lazily with pen as this dizziness was perturbing me. I had tea and snacks to fill my stomach and yet it didn't help.
    I called this day over and packed my bag to trudge out of office, a nap will do good to me. My phone rang, I fished out my phone from pocket.
My eyes almost popped out as I saw the name on screen. Taeyon aunt. 


“Good evening Taeyon aunt.”

“Good evening. Are you still in office?” she asked.

“I left just now.” she hummed.

“Dear, are you perhaps free this evening? So we can go for dinner tonight. You me and Jungkook.” I blushed bit.

“But, Sir is in England for meeting?”

“He came back this noon. So, you are coming right?”

“Yes.” I bashfully breathed.

“Okay, than 8:00 pm. We'll come by your house to pick you. Bye, Go home safely.”

“Yeah Bye.” I hoped down happily to home. That weakness vanishing somewhere.


I dressed with simple pink silk shirt and black slacks. Applied my favorite berried perfume and tinted glosy pink to my plump lips. I slightly parted my jet black bangs with peeking forehead. And I'm done.
        No makeup, because they're expensive. I should had bought few basic things. Right now I'm feeling dull. I just have lip gloss. Ugh now I'm feeling unconfident.

Ding dong!

He's here...

I took a brief glance of myself in mirror and dashed downstairs - as I looked down while descending stairs,  dizziness laid blackness before my eyes, I froze on place to catch myself. Few seconds it remained.
       Slowly the dizziness died. I sighed deeply and walked down to answer the desperate doorbell.

I opened the door and clenched my jaw hard, saved before it clicked open as I saw Jungkook looking dashing in black silk shirt fitting his toned body well. Ear Piercings flaunting, with his black hair styled back.

“What took you so long?” He didn't sounded irked, just his pally coldness.
“Sorry.” I dreamily said. My eyes can't leave him as they are fed after two damn hurting days.

His eyes were stuck with mine and that took me to weakness. “Ready, shall we go? Mom is waiting in car.” I snapped out and nodded.


They were sitting on there booked table. Taeyon was smiley staring at Jin and his son initiating the conversation and vanishing the awkwardness.
      The food wasn't served yet so they enjoyed the wine. Since, jin doesn't drink he was offered some soft drink.
“You look beautiful Jin.” Taeyon said, making him blush. That unconfindent he felt before seemed like to fade, when Jungkook's eyes was caught on him many times before.

“That's what Jungkook wanted to say.” She giggled when his son chocked.
“Ma, your steak has arrived.” She chuckled at his son's flustered glare.

“Oh, Jin you have nice necklace but why that gem is gloomy?” Jin looked at his neck where those inexplicable gems hanging - just like his life.

He sighed.

“It's an imitation jewelry.” Taeyon mouthed ‘Oh’ and brought back her gaze on dine. While Jin and Jungkook were stealing tiny glances. The silence was way to heavy.

Taeyon gesture Jungkook to talk with Jin who was looking left out.

Jungkook cleared his throat.
“Did you completed retail charter file?” Taeyon placed her hand on head, while kicked his son under the table—who fumbled in mind to find another topic.

“Yes I did.” Jin smiled, suppressing giggle at poor attempt.

They had there dinner and walked out of restaurant to the parking area. It was one of the best day for Seokjin. He still can't contain his blissy smile. He looked at Jungkook who was walking before him beside his mother.

As he heard a ding from his phone, he slowed his pace and to fish out his phone; that dizziness spun around his body. The blackness hovering before his eyes, his stumbled on his feet as the strength drained out. This dizziness, numbness perturbing him since days. He looked at Jungkook few distance far from him, blurring.

Before he could open his mouth and called out for help for his vulnerable. He was pushed down on his knees.

“Dear–” Taeyon looked beside her but she didn't see Jin. As she turned around to find said name. Her eyes bulged and screamed.

“Seokjin!” That took jk by startle. He whipped his head to see Jin Laying on the road.

Jungkook ran and took him in arms,  gently patting his cheek. “Seokjin.” his voice cracked. He saw how flushed he looked with his skin burning. He picked him up quickly and dashed in car.

“Son, take car straight to home.”

“No Mom, we should go to hospital.” He looked at backseat where jin was lying. He harshly pressed the horn as a car before them was jammed.

“Can you see the traffic. It will take hour to reach there. Home is near. I'm calling doctor, till we reach, he'll be there too.” Jungkook nodded with some uneasy breathes leaving, disquietness peturbing his whole ride.


What's happenning to Seokjin?

Hey guys sorry for late update. I just felt like to take break from mobile.

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