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Jungkook finally reached home
through his reckless, risky driving. His mind going haywire by what his butler just told him on the phone.

As soon he stepped in the house, he stomped towards him and grabbed butler's weak shoulders, shaking him in anger. “Where did he go!? You were here for whole time and have no idea! What the fuck you were doing!?” He yelled at him who was in fear.

“Forgive me, sir. He was craving for some sweets so I went to fetch it for him, but as I came back home, Seokjin sir was gone. Maids said he hastily ran out somewhere and before they could even get him, he vanished. I phoned him but he forgot his phone here. I-I should have stayed careful, s-sorry.” He looked to the ground. Jungkook let go of innocent's forearms and brushed his hairs harshly, his fists  clenching and unclenching, palms sweaty and cold.

It's been 4 hours since Seokjin's disappearance.

Jungkook's distressed state was getting more worse as every minute passed. He felt his eyes burning and heart clenching in disdain.

“Taehyung, I'm calling police.” Jeon firmed to the man who called him to know if seokjin was found. The man on other line, interrupted. “No Jk. Police won't report a case before 24 hours of missing.” Jungkook clicked his tongue and ended the call abruptly.

‘I called my mother and his few friends as well that I know of, but no one knows about his whereabouts.’ He thought staring outside the window, it was dark and drizzling rain started. He let out a shaky breath, his fist almost crushing the table he had clutched.

Sitting ideally and waiting for him was shitty idea. His mind working like an enemy, brought some disturbing thoughts of what unfortunate things might happen to Seokjin, giving him utter terror so he grabbed his car keys, ready to go and find him, but then he heard opening of the main door with his butler's voice.

“Seokjin sir is here!” butler exclaimed.

Jungkook breathed out loudly and ran out of his room, almost tripping. As he saw his beautiful Seokjin, his blood started running in his veins, his heart taking correct pounds, his eyes with stinging tears controlled were soothed. He quickly ran downstairs.

Ohh God thank you!

Seokjin stood there in guilty knowing he did wrong by not informing anyone and dashing out carelessly.
He fiddled with his fingers with a pout sitting on face as he took hesitant steps forward inside the house.

Their eyes met.

“Kookie?” Jin innocently gently said staring at him who look genuinely worried; the voice of younger brought peace to older's distressed state. Jungkook paced quickly towards Jin, hovering him. His eyes protectively roaming over his body.

Seokjin gasped when Jungkook engulfed him in the tight hug. But he immediately wrapped his hands around older's broad back, burying himself into warmth of Older.

“Oh sorry.” Jungkook let go of him as he was crushing the delicate beauty.  He quickly wrapped his arm around waist and pulled him closer, to look thoroughly at the eyes of younger whether they're really swollen moist and red or he mistook it? And yes they were with his nose red and flushed red face.

“Baby?” Jungkook furrowed his brows as he saw Jin limped. Younger hissed as he moved his feet so Jungkook lifted him and placed him on the couch. He took Jin's leg onto his lap and checked to find a blue swollen fingers. Older fetched the first-aid kit to treat it.

“Where did you go, honey? You scared me.” older asked while dressing the wound.

Remembering the disappearance of Seokjin from his life even for mere minutes brought him unbearable pain and fear, the fear embedded in his heart, till now. He wants younger to be in front of his eyes, forever. Only this way he can soothe his heart.

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