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“D-did I do something wrong, Sir?”

Seokjin fists clutched tighter to dig nails in palm, under the table as he asked him, trying hard not to have  breakdown right now. The whirlpool of emotions that are all painful with that familiar weakling feeling slowly overtook his body. Yet, he managed to act normal.

He lifted his heavy gaze from the table to look straight into Jungkook's eyes, who apparently was fiddling with the answer asked as if he didn't had any.

“Sir.” seokjin calmly called. Jungkook looked at him gulping a little. “ It seems you don't have any valid reason for firing me.” He gave an empty faint smile. Jungkook stopped trying to find any excuse, he just stared at the broken seokjin.

At least he would've came up with any fake excuse to make sure Seokjin isn't being removed for any personal reason. Making Seokjin feel less upset by it being an act of just professional.

He never loved me. He regrets all that happened between us. Even though for me, staying with him was like healing,  he thinks of me as just a mistake. And that's the reason, he wants me out of this company or better should I say out of his life. What more bitter answers do I need, now. Don't your inside burn by this or you wanna break yourself more, jin? I have miserably failed the chance that was a miracle given to undeserved man like me. I'm sorry but I give up.’ Seokjin thought breathing little waveringly.

Jin sighed out and looked at Jeon.
“Okay.” He breathed out. “If that's your decision—I'm ready to leave.” His heart wanted to struggle and try more but now that he got the clean indication that Jungkook don't want him in his life, then who is he to push himself more further into this, making fun of himself and his love, more. He gave a tight lip smile and stood up from the chair. Pretending to be all ready to walk out. 

Jungkook stood a little from chair. But settled down when Jin paused from walking and turned back, looking at his own hands.

“Sorry if I made feel you uncomfortable. I was not into the right mind t-that night. I never intended whatever happened, I apologize for that.” He licked his lower lip, nibbling on it, hands fiddling distracting himself from the pain and tears.

“But I don't regret any of that.” He added in supple voice making Jungkook's eyes soft and soothe his furrowed brows. He bit his quivering lower lip on what Jin couragely hearted out right now. Jin  wants Jungkook to know what his heart is thinking of. “I don't regret having feelings for you.” A tear fell which was hid as he whipped his head and before he becomes more vulnerable before Jeon's eyes, while looking at older who is frozen on his seat. No words, no movements, just giving that frustrating stare. 

Please Jungkook say something. Don't let me go. Please, I don't wanna stay where there's no you. Every place is terrible without you. I don't want to leave—please....
Jin begged inside. But as he realized that he was standing at the threshold for long time without any hope given, so he dashed out of the office. Why would jungkook stop him when he himself is throwing him out. As he ran into an empty elevator, he busted out his withheld crying, clutching his chest where it feels like it's an ablaze.  

Jungkook stood there stupefied. He wanted to run after him, to say something, do something that makes the pain go away of Jin's and his own too. It felt so wrong when he just stood there letting him go. His heart finally broke into painfully small pieces.

He banged his hand on wall making the wound on palm burn more, but that was nothing in front of everything happening inside him. He hung his head low, resting it on the wall, hiding those tears that were finally released. The tears that were falling for so many reasons, reasons that were welled up in his chest for long long time. Finally he let it out.

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