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I woke up swiftly from sleep. After watching that weird, scary dream. It felt so real.

I swiftly removed my blanket from body and stared at myself. Sudden panting started, as if breathing was very new thing for me.

Me being dead, coming back to life, was that all a dream?

I stared at whole surrounding it was my bedroom, my small cozy bedroom, I'm on my bed. All those scented candles I love were beside my bed on table. My favorite wind chime handing near window. It's all mine!!

I saw sun shining slowly, It was still dawn. Birds chirping, winds blowing, I could feel, the liveliness inside me. I'm back!

"Wake up lazy head." I almost jumped as I heard a voice. It was Hoseok that bubbly soul, rolling eyes at me.

"you're panting. Are you alright?" He sat beside my bed, staring at me worriedly, and to my surprise, all that wasn't a dream. He is real, It was real.
I have only limited time to to fulfill my wish! I pinched myself and felt the stinging pain. I'm really back.

"You were staring everything like you've just born. And indeed you have. Its your new life Jin." He hugged me.

I glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall across me.

Date. 10th February, 2019

"Wait wait." I said and got up from bed to thoroughly see at date.

"Today is 10th February. And I died on 29th November, 2019. So, we have traveled time Back!" I shouted, gasping. All along this all was familiar only in story books. Time travel, witches, everything is real. Wonder what world hides more.

"Yass, now tell what's gonna happen today. I mean how you will meet him?" Hoseok broke my thoughts.

"Today is the day when I started working in his office."

"Can you tell me more about you him. I dont even know his name." Jin stared at wall clock. Its 6:30. It is too early but doesn't really feel sleepy. I am more nervous, anxious. Instead of sleeping I decided to answer this curious cat.

"Jeon Jungkook. Very busy, very responsible, punctual man. Brilliant in work. He needs perfection. A rigid man. His qualities, perfect for CEO or a politician. He works with his father running their company. Jeon Co. He has a cold nature, doesn't believe in sweet talks. Bluntly gives statement without sugarcoating. Doesn't care about feelings. He is bitter as poison. Never smiles, eyes callously dreary—can't figure out what's happening behind it. Sits with arrogance, breaths arrogance. And why won't he? Afterall he's the most youngest and successful CEO in South Korea."

"Woah, Jin, can't believe you fell in love with him. By the way Is he handsome?" I chuckled, blush coating on cheeks, while recalling his looks.

"Yes Hobi he is very handsome."

"Can you define his looks?"

"Hobi, you've come here with both of your eyes. See him by yourself when we'll go in office." Hoseok huffed.

Suddenly I recalled an incident, giggles automatically erupted. "What's going in your mind? Why are you laughing?"

"You know I was so crazy behind him. One day I saw him in corridor. Which is rare, he rarely comes out of his room. So when I saw him, I got lost in his presence that didn't knew I spilled coffee on my shirt. He gave me a disgusted cold glance and walked past me. I was embarrassed I felt like to jump out of window." I laughed and hobi cackled too.

"I was like those squeaky crazy girls, giggling while looking at the oppas." I shook my head laughing, how stupid I am.

"I sound so moron right?"

Unfulfilled Wish| Kookjin.Where stories live. Discover now