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“Today has to be the best day.” Taehyung sighed dreamily, and banged his hand on table to get attention of Jungkook, who gritted his teeth as being irritated. “I'm not interested, please catch somebody else for your non-sense. I'm busy, pal.”

“Aah, shove this aside.” Taehyung grabbed the pen out of his hand, who groaned. “I'm your childhood friend. If you were during bad times, than be my partner in happiness too. Now listen.”

“I'm listening.” Jungkook spoke as was going through a file.

“This news might be bad for you.”

“Why is that so?” he asked indifferently.

“It's about your favorite employee Seokjin.”

“My favorite employee?” He raised his brow.

“Sorry sorry, my favorite employee. So yesterday Jimin and Seokjin were chitchating about crush. And a conclusion came that Seokjin has crush on me!”He pointed his index finger on himself with an excited grin. “Can you believe that. That gorgeous man blushes for me. But, can't blame him, my face and eyes are perfect to snare any beauty.” He proudly stated rubbing his chin. Jungkook scoffed.

“Did he said, that he has crush on you?” Jungkook asked.

“No, he didn't specifically said any name. But, Jimin and I, we both are certain that I'm his crush. Seokjin said he has crush on someone who tall, handsome, older than him, hardworking and has helped him.
—I don't know about what help he was talking about. Maybe, only I stood beside him and believed in him when he was held here for that computer scene - maybe he was talking about that. And about the other mentioned qualities - definitely I have all of them.”

Jungkook sarcastically chuckled. “I like how crackhead you're becoming as each day passes by. You shouldn't get your hopes high. Jimin looks like some romantic fool. And what if his crush is not you?” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Is your ass is burning from jealousy?” Jungkook held a angered face and before he could further open his mouth for curses, Taehyung quickly muttered apologies. “Sorry Sir, Just kidding, just kidding.” He said raising his hands in air.

“If Seokjin isn't interested in me then I'm fine with it. His beauty fascinates me just, so I'm just trying my luck on him. If he ain't interested, then unfortunately I'll find someone else.” He shrugged his shoulders. Jungkook shook his head lightly. This man will never get serious about love. A true playboy he is.


It was break time and everyone left the office for refreshments - expect Jimin and Jin. As Jimin left his cubicle to go for cafeteria Jin stopped him.

“Jimin I wanna to talk to you.” Jimin nodded and dragged his swivel chair in front of Jin. “Yeah say.”

“Um, yesterday you know we talked about my crush.” Jimin nodded. “And you came to the point that Taehyung is my crush. First of all, he isn't my crush. And second thing - you spread the rumor of me having crush on Taehyung, Chanyeol and Moonbyul told me. Jimin you can't keep secret in your stomach.” He said in offended tone.

“Oh, sorry. I made a big mistake. Tch, I gave false hope to Taehyung. How bad I did. You don't worry, I'll fix everything.”

“Yeah you should.”

Jimin arched his brows with aplogetic face. He patted shoulder of Jin.

“But, if it's not Taehyung than who is he?” Jimin started thinking. “You said, he is from our office, he's tall so he isn't me.” Jin breathed a chuckle. “He is handsome, he helps you in work as well.” He recalled every details. And suddenly his eyes widened. “Ah! don't tell me it's Namjoon?” Jimin stood jumped the chair. Before Jin could deny, he interrupted. “He is happily married, seokjin.” 

“Hush Jimin, it's not him.” Jin grabbed his forearm and tugged to make him sit. “Then Chanyeol? He is engaged.”

“Stop listing, and–”

“Why you keep finding a man who already has someone? Is that your kink?” Seokjin rolled his eyes in annoyance and frustration from Jimin Interrupting.

“He is Jungkook!” Jin blattered before keeping his palm on mouth. Seconds of silence passed. “Oh, I shouldn't have said that.” Jin chanted. Jimin slumped down on chair, his all energy as if drained “You love Jungkook? That guy who isn't made for love.” he shook his head.

“But, my heart has chosen him. I like him.” Jin mumbled hesitantly.

“And he won't hesitate to crush your little heart under his feet. He is made that way.” Jimin sighed.

“But, I can't help.” Jin said.

“Jin, I can just pray that your love for him don't hurt you in the end.” Jimin soothed his shoulder. “That can only be reckoned after you confess him.” Jimin added. “So, when you'll?”

“I don't know.” Seokjin maffled.

Jimin clicked his tounge. Jin is pure and someone like Jungkook won't care about that. Something inside Jungkook is very chaotic, something is going inside him that keeps him distanced cold and dark. Everyone knows that Something in him loves to hurt people and Jin is fragile, innocent. Jungkook might not be good for Jin. Either he will break Jin or if good intended that jin might tame him.


“Come in.” As jin kept his foot inside first thing he met was that unwelcomed irritated small glare from Jungkook. Usually, Jungkook never has smile on his face, only a still face. But, today seemed like his boss's mood was very unpleasant. He sensed the it and hesitantly walked in, taking his usual sit on couch in corner.

“Show me how much you have done till now.” Jin stood seconds after sitting and sauntered slowly. “We don't have all night, walk fast.” He said in irritated tone. Jin hanged his head low and walked little faster and gave his file to him.

Jungkook snatched his file. The little growled look on his face made Jin gulp. Jungkook turned the pages of file and clicked his tounge.“I think I took you very lightly. Look at the trash you made of work.” Jungkook's voice was calm but with hint of lour. As Jungkook's dark eyes met with Jin. Younger felt a shiver. He flinched and unconsciously took a step back.

Well, today might not be the good day.

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