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“I can't marry you.”

“You're bound to marry me. Our father's have made an agreement.”

“I don't care! My father can't use me as some bait to earn companies.” His words were eagerly breathed with a boldness that he regretted of not showing before.

“If you won't marry me than your mother will be locked down. You don't care about of father but what your mom, ha?” he inhaled deeply, yet painfully. He is tethered.

He walked out on empty road. He looked at his phone and dialed a number hesitantly, but before he could heed the call, an incoming call interrupted.


“Jk he-he committed suicide.”

And everything turned black. A painful. An unknown pain engulfed him.

Jungkook vigorously shook his head and thrashed his hands, swiftly woke up from his dream. Bids of sweat trickling down. His eyes shedding tears. He never had such dream before. His heart beated faster. He could feel choking.

I never had dreams like this. And even though it was just a dream. Why it pains me so much?

He quickly stood and walked in kitchen to grab a glass of water. He groaned in pain as his back ached for passing out in sofa.

He realized that Seokjin is in his house. So he walked upstairs to see him.

Seokjin faintly groaned as his he gained his consciousness little by little. Though, his head was throbbing in pain the velvety mattress beneath him and silky duvet on him was awfully comfortable. This comfort was new and he realized that it wasn't his bed. So he snapped open his heavy lidded eyes. His blurry vision fixed the light and looked around the expensive, elegant huge bedroom. Looking at the unfamiliarity, he tried to stand, but someone grabbed his wrist.

“Seokjin you should rest.” It was Taeyon aunt. His eyes snapped more.

“Taeyon aunt where am I?”

“You're at our house.” She smiled, handing him a glass of water as he had a hoarse voice.
     “You were unconscious for whole night.” He recalled the whole scene from last night.
     “Dear are you alright? Doctor pointed out cause of your collapse as weakness and stress. What are you stressing over? What's bothering you? You can be honest with me.” Jin let out an exhausted tired sigh though he was on bed for hours. He could strongly sense the frailty increasing in his body. He looked at Taeyon aunt who was staring back with soft eyes.

Jungkook emerged in room and looked at Jin who was resting is back on bedpost, his half beneath the duvet. He stared at younger's face that seemed to have faintly loosen it's pink glow, pale peeking and body puny and tired.
       Seokjin saw older staring at him through doorway, he winced in inhibition. He just had a nap and don't have an idea how he is looking right now. He shrunk into bed more as older walked in. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine.” He faintly answered. His eyes locked on clock that read 6:32 am. “I should go home.” Jin tried to remove duvet from him but Taeyon aunt grabbed his arm instead. “No, You should rest Seokjin. It's very early, so rest here, hm.” She patted his palm.

“Aunt I think I should go—”

“Take a rest.” Jungkook deadpanned. “And you don't need to come in office.” Taeyon raised her brow at his son's stern voice. Older's coldness made jin wince. The dead eyes of older was bothering him. For days everything was good. Everything was hopeful.

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