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Jin practiced quick meditation. Breathed in and out deeply. Trying to ease anxiousness running in veins. He took a last glance at screen, checking his looks are neat or not and glued a small gentle smile on face.

Hoseok peeked from wall, his half body inside. "Yaa, come inside." He whisper yelled. "And oh my! he is so handsome." he squealed loudly, swaying his hand quickly. Jin smiled shaking his head.

"You can do it jin." one last sign and he twisted doorknob to open it. On opening the door he met with a mascualar back covered in black suit.
Jeon was showing his back to Jin. Rummaging in drawer, particularly searching a file.

"Good afternoon Sir." Jin managed to speak with gentle voice without cracking it-he was surprised to. He expected it to come as if it walked on coals.

"Good afternoon. You are five minutes late Mr Kim." voice as usually cold.

Jin who managed to keep small smile on face, died within seconds replacing with nothing.

"I am sorry, Sir." he coyly said.

"Sit down." Every words came with strict tone. No melody, no feelings.

Jin obeyed and took sit in front of him. Table between them for good.

"So, Mr Kim. I went through your resume." Jeon turned around and stopped for second looking at male in front of him. He took his own sit on the swivel chair.

Jin felt heat climbing towards cheeks. Heart dancing with bliss to finally see his love. A little fear lingering. A firecrackers exploding inside. As if his already smitten heart is falling in love again.

'Kim Seokjin, Age 21.' Jeon read in mind, what was written in resume. Jin was feeling embarrassed as his photo was stuck in it. Passport size photos never impresses anyone.

"Hmm, This is your first time working. Usually we take experienced one. Who has at least worked in one company." The gaze was on the file. But, jin's gaze was running lap to his boss often. Taking turns.

"You seem shy like newly wedded wife. Be little confident and look at him." Hoseok whispered in ear. But, Seokjin couldn't help. Not When his love was sitting in front of him.

"Tell me why you wish to do this Job." He closed the resume file, placing at table - and stared at Jin, with his cold gaze and rigid face. Fingers around his brow - raising it little.

"I-um,.. Um uh-"

"I don't speak that language. Korean would be better Mr Kim." Jin was loosing all of his confidence that was never before. Just deceived by brain.

"Because, I am very passionate about not starving to death." Hoseok spoke. And Jin felt like laughing, but this isn't appropriate time to laugh. So, he swallowed his cackle.

"B-because I need the job."

"I am paying attention to your words Mr Kim. You used 'need' why not 'want.'?" His gaze was intense. His eyes, ears, focus, everything sharp.

"Because I belong to poor family. And this job will help me-"

"Aah, This job will help you to pay debts, fill stomach, run family and blah blah." Jeon cutted Jin.

"This is what I dislike the most. This will make you work because you are compelled to. I don't see any passion for work. More like tethered for it."

"No sir, I chose particular course and did it from named Academy. Albeit not having enough to pay for admission. However I completed my study and got diploma, even under difficult circumstances-because I have passion for it." His voice as gentle. he sighed. He can't recall if in past they had this interview. If yes, then how he gave answers.

Unfulfilled Wish| Kookjin.Where stories live. Discover now