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Jungkook gently pushed Seokjin away from him only to be pulled back.  Seokjin grasped his collars tighter not wanting the cold space between them - he needs this warmth. After one life he felt what it's like to be in arms of beloved.

Jungkook doesn't know if this all is rationale or not. Conscience seems far away right now. Seokjin is intoxic while he is still is in little right mind and yet seems like he can't use it - it's like everything is blurring away except Seokjin; he is vague and real.

Older without breaking the kiss, lifted younger who gasped and encircled his arms around neck of Kook for the  balance. Muscular man took beauty to the huge neat bed and laid him there gently, hovering above him; the kiss still alive and getting wild, heated.

Jungkook clutched beauty's thigh tighter earning an yelp—opportunity to shove his tongue, tasting the natural sweetness, berried flavor and alcohol; while Jin's natural scent drowning him more into the lust. Jin moaned in the kiss—something that felt like melody to Jungkook, tempting to listen more. He opened his eyes to see Jin's half lidded mesmerized ones, breathing deeply. He felt tickles in his body as his eyes took all new view of his secretary. He removed his coat, feeling the humid in his body. Jin pushed Jungkook by chest as he went breathless through kiss but Older not in heart to break it held the hands and pinned them above head pushing his weight down on Seokjin, kissing him aggressively—the lips feel so amazing against his. Seokjin wobbled his head needing for air. Jungkook looked at Jin who was begging for the air and so he broke the kiss. He stared at the panting Jin, his chest heaving up and down while his face flushed red. He looks so beautiful this way. The way his half lidded eyes sparkling in daze and lips swollen red glistening in his  saliva.

Raven haired man's eyes halted on the long swan like neck of Jin's. Calling to be marked and flawed by the love bites, and bruises and so he gave in.  He latched his lips to give open mouth wet kiss, sucks and bites. Jin tilted his head to give better access - his hands around older's waist. Taking this opportunity Jungkook bit the throat later soothing it with his tongue, but making sure to leave some prominent marks. Jin's body was doing something funny inside. Unaware of such new feelings, he realized how much beautiful it is to be in this.

Once satisfied with the neck which no longer looked pure; he wished to go further - while he was peppering younger's jaw with feathery, his large hands unfastening Jin's shirt buttons who was so drowned into Jungkook's unfelt touch and kisses that he was now busy savouring it. He was busy savoring every new sensation his body is feeling.
—When cold air hit his upper body, everything came in senses to find himself shirtless. His upper body naked before his boss's eyes. Jungkook gazed at the porcelain chest and pink buds. In one swift move the shirt that was hanging on those wide shoulder blades was lying on the floor with Jin's damn figure. Wide shoulders to very small curvy waist. So sexy.

Without breaking eye contact with Jin - Jungkook leaned down and puckered his lips on collar bone earning soft moan. He slowly pressed his lips with tongue—traveling it all over the collar bones to the bossom, his mind and heart on the pink nipples. Jin who saw Jungkook right above his nipple, he  immediately teared the eye contact, turning his head to the either side; flustered. 

He whimpered when Jungkook bit it, running the tongue around it harshly. Jin wanted to thrash so hard. This feeling is very new and is taking him to the edge. It's like loosing himself. It's so tempting, so addictive - specially when his body is caged below the huge one is giving his heart uneven beatings. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Jungkook paused for moment only to remove his own shirt, revealing the toned upper body, broad chest. Heating Jin's body more.

After done playing with the buds, his tounge, kisses and bites slowly travelled down to the abdomen, the skin he is tasting is so sweet, that he asks for more. His tongue slided all the down on smooth surface then  flattened it on navel earning a gasp and a lovely arch of back by Seokjin. Jungkook looked at the slowly wrecking Jin giving him more wild thoughts to take him right now. While his member suffocating in pants.

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