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One foot on the ground, other in grave.


I know that Seokjin likes me. He has always been bold a mouth when it came to confess his love for me. But, it doesn't mean that he could make any sentimental story to gain my love and use my mom.’

The whole story was so unbelievable.

.....‘I wish things were different when we met. Things were on our side.’ ......

Jungkook's eyes were dried red from the all the sleep he refused. His body not tired but still has no will to move, he lied there on his bed, still.

So many heavy sighs left his mouth, with a bothering dark feelings churning up on inside. He doesn't like all this at all. It's so unbearable. His eyes fell on the digital clock that showed time, 6:00 am. Not laying on his gloom thoughts more, he decided to get dressed for office—though it's too early but somehow he likes staying there, alone and buried in his loads of work. Forgetting everything even for temporary.

He quickly gymed and then took a refreshing hot bath which didn't much brought any change, it just washed away all the stickiness from workout. He put on his formals—absolutely trying hard not to mind that heavy feeling overtaking his heart slowly.
    Why I am feeling this? It's so uneasy and distressing.
    After he styled his hair, he walked down to have a tea for a boost, maybe lack of sleep, stress and all this overthinking for the so many nights might be the cause of this something bothersome feelings taking him. 

He walked down to see the empty kitchen. Offcourse, his mom must be sleeping. He's too early today. So he made and had tea for hismelf with some cookies, grabbing a mini carton of banana milk to have it during his way to the office.

He left a sticky note on refrigerator for his mom and messaged his driver to take a leave today as he's gonna drive himself for the office. As he was done with sending the message an unread message was lying in inbox.

From Sunmi:
‘Jungkook, I wanna go shopping for our engagement. I didn't called you because I knew you must be sleeping. See I'm a good partner, hehe. I'll be waiting for you at ‘Forever we’ dimond accessories store. meet me there at 12:00 pm. Don't ditch me or else I'll complain to your father. bye ;)

Jungkook rolled his eyes not caring to reply back. He just put his phone on the airplane mode incase if she calls,  and shoved his cell phone in pocket—driving away.


8:50 am. All the workers started to show up. Filling up the deserted place.

Jungkook was tapping his pen loudly on the table, while his free hand massaging his stiff temple, his eyes aching from too much staring at that device, but his mind elsewhere. He thought the work might bring his wandering mind on focus but he was wrong. The certain thoughts just don't go away. He pushed his back behind to take rest, feeling releif in his spine. He hissed at the ache. 

As he closed his eyes for minute and opened them, suddenly he felt his whole office room spinning around. A thumping headache overtaking him. He could feel his breathing going uneven. He clutched his head tight as he couldn't bear this. His eyes closing as if big rocks are placed on his eyelids, causing him to shut them tight. He tried to stand and to go to the restroom room attached for water and pain killers but his knees were too weak to even stand and he felt himself like a paper doll, his legs wobbling not being able to take his weight; he met the floor, collapsing. He groaned as he hit the cold hard floor. 

He could feel himself, yet he couldn't open his eyes and move his hands, his legs; numb, paralyzed. He felt himself swaying in the middle of consciousness and unconsciousness.
Blurry visions started to appear before his eyes that were slowly-slowly getting clear, so clear as if he is into that place. He saw himself in a very different place from his office.

Unfulfilled Wish| Kookjin.Where stories live. Discover now