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“Taehyung, why Jungkook isn't picking up my phone.” Taeyon asked, slicing the apples. Her once a dreary eyes from and distress state - from hearing Jin washed away and her eyes lit up as something apparently popped up into her mind.

“He is in meeting.” Taehyung answered.

“Tell him to call me.”

“Sure.”they ended there call after that.


Jungkook's meeting was over and he straight went into his cabin. The message was conveyed by Taehyung to call mother. Once, he slumped on chair to loosen his back from standing continuously in meeting. He dialed his mother's number.

“Hey Mom.” he tried to hide his tired voice.

“Jungkook—did you had your lunch?”

“No, I'll just have it afterwards. You wanted to talk with me?”

“Yeah. Um, when you'll leave for Germany?”

“Tomorrow evening. Why?”

She slurrped a little. “You don't have secretary. Do you?” She asked hesitantly.

Jungkook furrowed his brows. “No I don't and why you asked?”

“You should keep one secretary don't you..think. It will be helping...hand.” she fumbled with words.

“I don't want any secretary. And why all this in so sudden? Mom, what's going on in your mind?” He bluntly asked as he felt something is going in her mind.

“I think you if you—um maybe take Seok-Seokjin in Germany with you as,  your... secretary.” She bit her lip.

He loosened his furrowed brows,  flustered. “W-why?” He asked.

“Maybe, if-if he gets some fresh air in the foreign country.”

“What?” Jungkook quetioned irkly at her nonsense. She facepalmed at her stupid reason.

“Ya, I'm your mother, obey me. Take him with you. And if you won't than don't ever talk to me!” Jungkook got puzzled at her stupid tantrums. And before he could speak the call was ended by her. 

He rested his back on chair, thinking of this sudden need to take Seokjin in Germany.

The knock on door pulled him out of thoughts. He gave permission to come in. Taehyung came in with his energetic grin. “Hey Jk.” He took a seat across boss and looked at him.

“Did you called your mom?” Jungkook nodded.

“Was it an urgent thing?”

“More like senseless. She is forcing me to take Seokjin with me to Germany as my personal secretary. I don't know what she was thinking while telling me that.” He shook his head tiredly.

“Then take him.” Taehyung casually spoke. After Taehyung got to know that Seokjin has a crush on Jungkook not on him - that Jimin mistook him; he sincerely wishes that Jungkook ends with Jin as he was very beautiful and kind hearted man. He can sense that Seokjin is different from others. So, he's rooting for them to be together and awaken some romance in boring life.

Lucky bastard.

“But why should I?”

“Seokjin once impressed the German company by his skills. And the German company is specialized in retailing in which Seokjin is already professional. So this might help you in having an impressive meeting.” He shrugged his shoulders. Jungkook slightly nodded in taking Seokjin can be useful for him.

“And maybe this will be profitable in many other good ways too.” Taehyung
winked. Making Jungkook bit his inner-cheek trying to find a sense in what this wink mean.

“So what you think? Will you take him?”


“Seokjin, come to my office.” said name immediately closed his laptop and fixed his wrinkled shirt due to sitting for long time; and peddled out.

He knocked on the door and timidly walked in after permission granted.

“Good afternoon Sir.” He slightly bowed.

“Good afternoon, How is your health?” He asked as he looked at younger who looked quite better than yesterday. But the glow from eyes had faded little with slight rim around eyes.

“I'm fine.” he smiled beautifully. A smile enough to flush other's cheek.

Jungkook stood from chair after he gestured younger tos sit. “Uh, Kim Seokjin the reason I called behind you here is that I'm going in Germany for meeting.”

A bitter wavering sigh was released by Seokjin. Again I'll long for you. My time is passing by in just waiting for you. His lip quivered, he clenched his fist, digging his nails in palm.

“As the company is expert in retail and were highly impressed with your work. I think I'll need the prodigy for retailing again.” Seokjin looked at Jungkook who looked paused and stared at him for seconds.

“I think I'll need you for this meeting. Are you okay to come in Germany?” On thinking of taking him to German itself gave him a surreal flutter in his heart and stomach. Seokjin's eyes lit up, his fist was released. A glow on cheeks brightened.

Eventually, he nodded yes with suppressing his brilliant smile, so he smiled inside, by his heart.


A/n:— wasn't expecting from myself to write and update so quick.

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