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Seokjin had taken a fresh hot bath, changed into his comfy pajamas and done with dinner, now enjoying the view and mild cold whether from the balcony—

And~ his phone interrupted.

“Seokjin, come to my room now,
I need the  help regarding tomorrow's meeting.” a familiar voice spoke up.

They ended the call. He quickly took a glance of himself by the mirror, took out his own laptop from his carry bag and left his room. He locked his door and stood in corridor before Older's room. He gave a knock on the door which was soon opened by Jungkook in grey sweatpants and simple white tank top which is very new for Jin as he has always seen him in coats, and suits. But, nonetheless he looked so handsome.

The whole room smelled like Jungkook's cologne, which he loves the very much “Have a seat.” Seokjin obeyed and took his seat on a chair and table with study lamp sitting in the corner. And his boss—Jungkook on the small the cozy couch across him.

“This is the file, the bank retail one. Since you're good with retailing,
have a recheck on it.” Seokjin half stood from seat to take the pendrive and a file but Jungkook gestured him to be seated and handed him by himself. Seokjin looked at the black typed letters, feeling sleepy as he always feels after having a good dinner. But, he strictly kept his mind focused on what he is called for.

Time passed.
And he was thoroughly going through the two files, one on his table and virtual one on his laptop. Feeling stress and in body, he stretched a little. Jungkook gave a quick glimpse to him.
Seokjin's eyes having it's own volition to travel to Jungkook. He stole a small glances at him who was attentively working. He stared at the older who's black hairs were falling on forehead this time, or as usually they are parted or pulled back. His brows in little tension as his eyes were focused on laptop. His face very stern, with his teeth being sucked. Though the cold behavior of him, makes Jin anxious, but it suited him as he looks so hot. He wants to see older's smile, how he'll look while wearing it? He needs to know.

Jk's hands that has always been secured by his coat's long sleeve
were now displayed. They were
veiny callous and strong, entertaining Seokjin. Older's Tank top was very thin causing his nipples to faintly peek. Jin blushed on the sight laid before eyes. His doe eyes roamed more further as he saw how older's chest are firm and broad. He must be working alot. He is very masculine and very handsome.

Seokjin behave!

He heard a small cough from Jungkook as that man was well aware of a pair of eye on him.
     “Is something distracting you... Seokjin?” Said name shivered at how his name is always so sternly, neatly  taken by older. He rapidly shook his head and quickly buried face in his laptop, cussing himself on being carried away. Older looked at how flustered Jin got. Seokjin gave a small slap to himself and firmed to purely pay attention to work.

After continuous typing on the device Jungkook strectched, graoning little. He looked at another person in his room who had his head laid on desk, laptop on, and his asleep. He tilted his head to see him clearly.

Oh, I forgot, he was feeling weakness due to overstress and that caused to him collapse. Why did I assist him work? How can I be so careless.
Jungkook closed his eyes, massaging his brows. He stood and walked to the sleeping beauty to see if the work is left half done, then he'll complete it, but to his amuse the work was completed. He nodded faintly as again Jin showed how good he is in work. He saw younger's long eyelashes fell on his pink cheeks. Broad shoulders heaving and older has got to know how he pouts when he sleeps. It's winsome.

I don't like him but...I like you...”

A sweet confession by Jin from few days ago—suddenly came in his mind. A heat spreading on his face. He walked back to his couch and did his little pending work. As the work was finished he took a quick glimpse of Seokjin through his drooping heavy eyelids and then finally fell asleep.

I should had asked him what was the burden alone he carried that made him take his own life. For the sake of my heart that is aching, yearning him. I knew somewhere he means alot to me and yet I acted as if it doesn't. I wished I had met him rather hiding.” A voice in great despair spoke sitting on a rusty bench of an old abandon garden.

The man beside him placed a hand on his heavy shoulder, to give even a possible little comfort.

“If only I could turn back time...” His voice wavered causing him to take a deep breathe. 

“I'm a coward....” He breathed, scoffing at his pathetic self, with tears brimming. He looked at his friend sitting beside him who gulped as he saw the disheart in those pianful eyes of this distress, rubbled man.



“Is it possible to bring him back?”


“I want him back....”   .......

“Jungkook-ssi—Jungkook-ssi...wake up.”

“Please comeback —come - back....” Jungkook muttered, his eyes still closed and then swiftly woke up from his dream, or more like a nightmare by Seokjin's voice who saw how he was thrashing on the couch, murmering some incoherents with sweat beads forming on his flushed whole face.

“Jungkook-ssi.” Seokjin's voice laced in worry, while his hand gently patting the shoulder.

Jungkook opened his red rimmed eyes and looked around, panting a little.
He saw sweet face of Seokjin looking at him in worry while his hand on his shoulder. His heart unknowingly calmed after having an pain from just a dream. He always wonders why and how a dream gives him alot ache as if it's real. As if he is going or went through that pain.

And he never had such dreams before then why in all sudden he gets such a peturbing dreams? which lingers on his heart even though he gets well aware of it being just a dream.

“Are you okay?” Seokjin kept himself from brushing back those disheveled drenched hair of older and caressing the flushed cheeks.

“I'm fine.” He breathed out, getting out of the couch and checking his phone that was lying beside him, passed out after ranging the alarm
for long time.

“We'll get late for meeting... we need get ready.” Jungkook spoke without looking at younger. Jin bit his lower lip, nodded, taking his laptop and straight went to his room.

Of whom he dreamt? To him he said ‘come back’?



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