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Jungkook was getting ready for his office. The place where he feels mixture of emotions. It's tiring, but still a comfort zone. The place where he grew up unwillingly, forcefully,
but soon made it's house.

He was setting his hair perfectly but his mind somewhere wandering else.

Things were somehow made light and
good by talking with bubbly Taehyung, who is such a fun man with alots of refreshing experience to share. Jungkook envies him for being a lively person, enjoys every moment and fights all problems with smile on face and positivity. This man can turn out all bad decisions into new way of life. Just like ‘best out of waste’ thing. Jeon feels he needs to learn alot from his older friend. He is a man anyone would fall in love with. 

But now he is left alone. With his own thoughts that he badly wants to run away from. But stubborn dwarf always sits on his head. The only thing Jungkook fears is being left with nothing to do, this can call all his memories, thoughts, some regrets of life which are so bad that it depresses him. That's why he drowns himself in work.

As he fixed his tie, he looked at his long face. Cold lips and tired eyes. Faint dark circles appearing.

Seokjin. Again his mind whispered him. Want he is suppose to do with this name? Everything has ended. That person is fired, he is in home now probably filling forms for a new job, and here he needs to lure a company called ‘Choi’ by marrying his annoying daughter who is well known for having number of scandalous relations; getting choi company's partnership that has nothing to do with him. He is just suppose to carry a an ache till he dies. It scares to think how he's future would be? Would it be how it is now or he would get paid up for all bad times he suffered. Will he really carry all this budern till his last breath?
    Ohh heaven please...

Pains Jungkook to say that he is young and has to spent his more rest life.

Shaking his head and throwing off his thoughts away that gave him stress and not to give more depression to himself, he better walked downstairs.

He saw his mother dressed up and already done with breakfast. A little speed in her movements as she was moving around, keeping plates in the sink. She paused to look at her son from head to toe, staring at his fine formal dressed look. She took a time to stare at him making sure he is fine after all that mental breakdown yesterday.

She breathed out, plastering a smile. But her brows furrowed as she saw Jeon in his office suit. “Good morning, dear. Why are you in your formals?”

“For office.” he pulled the chair to sit and grabbed an apple to eat.

“Today is Sunday, Kook.” she said as she severed him tea and scrambled eggs with orange juice.

“I know, but I need to finish some work and Ma, you already had your breakfast?”

“Yes I did.” she wore her braclet and grabbed purse. “And I've already served your food. Eat well and finish everything–”

“You're heading somewhere?” he stopped from eating and attentively looked at her who nodded her head.

“Yes at Seokjin's house.” She smiled more bright, clasping her hands. “I'm missing that beautiful boy.” she giggled.

Jungkook exhaled out, his eyes softening. His brows arching which she noticed. But she didn't asked anything on it just fixed her top.

He fixed back his demeanor to cold.
“Mom, please don't stop anywhere in middle. Straight to his house and here. In case, if you need to take halt in between for any reasons. Let me know and keep driver with you for whole time. I'll send Sangyoon (bodyguard) to be with you through.”
He needs his Mom to be safe after all happened to her. He needs her safe and out of his father's sight.

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