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Time is not on our side as you come and I go and as I come back but it's too late, you're already gone....

Enough of this hide and seek. 

Jungkook sighed waveringly as he was gazing upon this old cemetery standing in horror right front of him, which locates in a very less busy small town not very far from Seoul. The place that he thought it only exists in his dreams turned out to be real.

He crossed his fingers and walked in after pushing the rusty gate open. He saw the graves laying on the either side of him, he felt chills down his spine as he had never been to such place, before. Tress frost from chilled weather, fog teasing his sight.
   After brief stare he took a step to walk further more inside, but paused. Was that a sob I heard?

Seokjin was sunk into his seat, the old bench, very lonely here. The place where he met Hoseok and had this things started all over again. He looked at the weeds covering the ground in front of him that once have had a grave—of him. He didn't wanted to cry more and so few little sweet moments that he had with Jungkook started to play in his mind.
    I was wrong, I thought It'll bring some good, but it just pains more—He lowered his head and sobbed.

Just this one place I can call our own  with my heart far from yours....

Seokjin's bawling was interrupted when he heard footsteps and dried leaves being crushed beneath feet. He wiped his tears and raised his heavy head to see a person who he heartily wishes for, but least expected here, now. Both of them had same expressions on face and froze on their place.

Without knowing Seokjin stood and walked towards him. Praying that he isn't seeing things, his decaying, rusty tired brain messing with him. Is this Jungkook is real? But even if it's all in head, then let it be. It's easier to handle pain this way.

He tried to run towards his oasis—when a sharp pain shrieked in his body making him hard fall on the ground, but even at that moment he didn't cared of his already injured hand throbbing more in pain or his palm bleeding. His eyes were stuck on Jungkook who looked worried. For the very first time his face showed some emotions; Jungkook ran towards him.

Seokjin smiled as he saw Jungkook from so close. After so many days he saw him, feelings his dry eyes soothing. His crying heart drying it's tears. He reached out his hand to touch older, but fearing for he might vanish. So just his tip of finger laid on Jungkook's face, ghostly—who's eyes never left Seokjin's tired one. Younger looked so pale, dull, skinny and weak as if a touch would break him. His eyes veiny blood shot red and sunk, with red rim around. Jungkook never felt so anxious and dismal looking at someone. But still in this he somehow managed to stay beautiful.

Seokjin flinched when to his surprise he felt Jungkook's skin against his finger. His face changed from dreamy to wide stunned eyed. He placed his uninjured palm on chiseled cheek of Jeon, running his thumb over skin.

“You're real.” Seokjin whispered that made Kook smile. He took Seokjin's injured hand in his own, staring at the wet wound on his palm and swollen blackish bruise near elbow—looking at the hand swelling numband blue he guessed it has broken bone; Seokjin wimpered in the pain.

How does Jungkook-ssi know this place? Seokjin's mind kept saying this.

As Jungkook was about to lift jin's frail hand higher, Seokjin winced and snatched away his hand, regretting as he felt pain jolting in hand, feeling his forearm dislocated. He moaned and hissed in pain so Jungkook lifted him from the rough ground only to feel the huge difference of weight, comparing to the night when he had Seokjin in his arms.

He placed him very gently on bench, sitting beside him.
   “I have always given you pain.” Jeon mumbled staring at the lifeless hand caressed by Seokjin remembering the time he had seen blood on Jin's cheek from file he threw, or the injury on his wrist, both injury given by him, feeling heavy heart from guilt. Jin never deserved all this.

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