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“Namjoon.” Hobeom entered in the retail department’s office.

“Yes, Hobeom-ssi.” Namjoon stood from his chair.

“Here, this are the files for you.” Namjoon looked at Jin, as he remembered what his boss said yesterday. Jin stood from his small cubicle and came towards them.

“I’ll take this.” Jin took the thick stack of files from Hobeom’s hand and went back to his cubicle. Hobeom stared at him with puzzled look. Not only Hobeom but everyone looked at Jin.

“Boss has contributed my work with him. It’s for his training.” Hoebeom nodded with mouth in ‘o’ shape. Jimin stared at Jin, who was already feeling exhausting even after having two cups of coffee and large club sandwich during break.

“Boss has ordered you?”
Jin nodded to Jimin, who gave tight lip smile in return.

“Should I help you?” 

“No no, if he will get to know that I took help than, I’ll be doomed. It’s my work, let me handle it.” Jin smiled.

“But, that looks alot!”

“Aah, you don’t worry, I will manage it.” Jin said pushing Jimin’s swivel chair back to his cubicle. “I said, I’ll manage it. But, indeed it’s alot.” Jin talked to himself.

“Seokjin, give me half of the files, I’ll do it.” Namjoon said from his cubicle.

“If boss will know that I took your help–”

“He said more than half my work will be assigned to you. Not all. At least give that much portion. You have taken all.” He laughed little.

“Yeah.” Jin gave some papers.

After hour of working, Jin yawned little, and glanced at Hobi, who was living in so much boredom that he felt asleep on spare chair in corner.

“Did alot, now little break.” Jin mumbled and glanced at glass door. Hopefully of  Jungkook passes, as his refreshment.
He sighed and cracked fingers.

As trying to focus back, he felt his eyelids little heavy. So, he placed his head on table, shoving files aside.

After barely five minutes of nap he grabbed the file again. Working back. Taking quick glance at watch. 4:00pm.
He focused on work trying to do everything perfectly, as Jungkook wants. He don’t want to embarrass himself again.

Suddenly Jimin peeked from his side and said. “You know when it was my second day. I spent day tasting all dishes in cafeteria.” He giggled.
“I feel sorry for you. Should I stay here? Wait for you?”

“Jimin-shi it’s just some work okay. And besides that your presence won’t make any difference.”

“Rude. I was just trying to help.”
Jimin huffed, making Jin giggle.


It was 4:10. Everyone were already packing to leave. Namjoon saw Jin busy with files. He felt pity. Everyone gave him that concerned look. As if he was going for war, Jimin even hugged him. He felt annoyed.

“It’s already 4:20. I will just head for his office.” He said and picked up all the files and turned off the lights.

“Hobi, let’s go.” that man who was sprawled on chair, stirred.

“Um, you go. I’m good here.”

“Yaa, you have come are for helping me. What do you mean by ‘You go’?”

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