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“Redo it.” Jungkook threw file on table. Jin wanted to sigh loudly but held it, sitting back on couch and rectifying mistakes again.

He glanced at the clock. It was 6:30 pm. Usually Jungkook leaves him around this time.

“Show me how you have done.” Jin gave him file again and stood there shifting his weight on each feet. Jungkook looked at him unimpressedly. “Why can't you point out your own mistakes.” He raised his voice, frowning. He threw the file on Jin's chest who yelped.

“Do it again and sit here in front of me.” Jin quickly lifted the file placing on table, grabbing pen weakly as all strength drained, sprawling on floor.

Jungkook walked behind the chair of younger. And leaned a little placing his hand on the table. “There's an annual retail report inspection next week. Are you going to show this? This rubbish.” he said tapping his finger on table. Jin closed his eyes and breathed shakily. As the cold voice hit very faintly on his ear. “I'm sorry.”

He badly wanted to hit himself for being so poor in work. What made him want to pull his hair was that he couldn't see his mistakes.

“Now I wonder why you are so poor in work. You don't take this job seriously. Is this some highschool that you come here sit in cafeteria to chit-chat with your crush?” Jin snapped his eyes open and swiftly looked behind meeting his eyes with rude callous one.

“What do you mean?” Jin asked as his brows kneeted. “Taehyung.” Jungkook said. “Isn't it him right now, on your sight?” His voice was to calm for bitters words he is spitting.

“Does he pay you? More than the salary you receive here? How's your crush game going?” Jin stood from chair. This isn't right. This comments are too hurtfully immoral. Jin didn't wanted to cry, but he can't help.

“He helped me. He is the only one who stood beside me when I was held by you falsely. He didn't had idea whether I was right or wrong but still he supported me unlike you who jumped on conclusions and physically hurted me.” Jin's eyes were already glistening in tears. “And how can you say something so low about me? You think of me as some sort of person who takes keeps relation for money.” Jin's lip quivered a little. Its freaking hurts. Jungkook bit his inner cheek.

“You're hateful.” Jin whispered which reached into older's ears—making him glare at younger. Something just curled inside Jungkook. Something, somewhere inside him felt a sting when the ‘hateful’ word came out.

Jungkook grabbed jin's forearm and pushed him against wall. “I have never heard more than one word from workers. You are brave enough to call me ‘hateful’ in front of my face.” he gritted his teeth as he intensely stared at younger. Jin placed hand on Jk's chest as he pulled him harshly.

Jungkook saved himself from loosing his coldness when seeing those innocent teary hurt eyes.

“Do you really like Taehyung?” Jin's eyelids fluttered as what Jungkook asked him right now. But, he decided to give a little nod to this rumor.

“Why do you want to know? this is my personal matter.” Jungkook breathed sharply, clenching his jaw that scared sincerely scared Jin. “I don't want all  this non-sense in my office. Better pay attention in work rather–”

“Yes, I do like him.” Jin stated as he felt that this rumor thing is really bothering older. Jungkook nodded and grabbed the forearm of jin twisting a little. Jungkook didn't know why it hurted?

“Well, I liked how truthful you are. And better improve in work by putting the efforts and attention. This might lessen the hate I'm having for you.” He spat. Wrist of younger was released. Jungkook left him near the wall. Jin stood stunned.

Seokjin's heart screamed in pain as it shattered. He heard his heart breaking. The pain was so profuse. Suddenly He saw his necklace's shine peeked out of his shirt. He removed his necklace out of shirt.

Two gems died right now, leaving only four.

His sight blurred as tears started brimming. He tried to move his feet but weak knees made him trip. He fell on knees, swayed his hand for support—causing it to hit his wrist on the coffee table.

Jungkook heard a thud, he quickly  turned around to see Jin on the floor crying. His hand covered in blood. He quickly knelt and placed his hand behind his back. “Jin are you okay?” his eyes softened as how Jin was crying. Holding his wrist. His heart tugged. He quickly lifted younger and placed him gently on couch.

Jungkook rummaged through the drawer muttering curse as he couldn't find the first-aid kit. “Got it.” He knelt down and stared worriedly at Jin. “Does it hurt?” Jin nodded. “Let me apply antiseptic.” He applied the cream and tied the gauze — stealing glances at him. His inside kept chanting shit.

He gave a glass of water to Jin. “I'll drop you home.” Jin shake his head. “no, I'll g-go by myself.” Jin stuttered.
Jungkook placed his hand on shoulder and smoothed his fingers gently. “Let me. You are hurt, let me drop you.” Jin looked at the older's eyes, those eyes melted for very first time. He saw gentleness inside them. Jungkook wanted to change his demeanor back to cold. But, this time he felt like he wants to show the one he always hides.

Jin gave himself and mumbled okay.

They both were in the car. Jungkook broke his gaze time to time from road to Jin, who just blankly stared out of the window. The silence was frustrating so Jungkook decided to play song.

“Now, the next song is requested by someone wants to confess love.” RJ spoke. Before the song started.

Elvis Presley's can't help falling in love.

Jungkook wanted to groan loudly as something inside was in chaos that increased only when he stared at Jin. And above that this song made the scene more awkward.

Wise man say only fools rush in but I can't help falling in love with you~

Jin sighed deeply when he felt that this line was meant for him. His heart  was so desperate for love that it fell for Jungkook and bravely expected to get love back. Fell for someone who
isn't made for love. Still he fell in love with him, and so much deeply that he gave up his life before.

Either Jin is brave or he is a fool.

Before song moves on Jungkook changed the channel for another song.

Apologize by One republic.

It's too late to apologize~

Jungkook huffed and switched off the radio pressing button aggressively, making Jin giggle inside. Somehow this jungkook was cute. He lifted his head that was leaned on window and looked at Jungkook who's eyes were on road and jaw lightly shut.

Jin's wish was heard. There eyes met. Jin blushed at it and quickly tore the gaze.

They reached near the Jin's small pink colored two story house. “Thank you.” Jin said and opened the door but, he felt his hand being holded. He turned to see Jungkook staring at him while his large hand around his wrist.

“I'm sorry Jin.” Jungkook sighed, running his fingers on knuckles. Sending younger a butterflies in jin's stomach.

“I always end up getting hurt by you.” Jin softly stated with a pout. Jungkook's mouth parted little as he saw Jin's lip tugging down.

“I know, I hurt you. And all those things I spoke to you earlier they...I didn't mean any of it. Please forgive me.” Jungkook gulped as he felt knot in chest thinking about whether he will forgive or not. He stared at the dressed hurt hand of Jin.

Jin fluttered his eyelashes. His heart beating fast. He can't be angry with Jungkook no matter how much he wants to. In the end Jungkook's antics will melt him.

“It's okay.” Jungkook sighed in relief.
“Please drive safely.” Jin faintly smiled gently removing his hand from hold. He bowed and left the car.

Jungkook didn't knew whether the climate got cold or warmth went away.

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