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One foot on the ground, other in grave—II


Seokjin was lying in his bed. He felt his throat achingly dry but he didn't paid attention to it even though it was pestering him. His head spinning around, body feeling weak and frail. His eyes red blood shot for all the sleep he threw away for days. He didn't feel like to eat or even drink anything even though his empty stomach caused him to feel dizzy in profuse. He is there just waiting for end.
His body was awfully hurting and his heart was running slow as if he is in his deathbed. He wants to run away from this pain but to his fate, this is what he got for an eternity.

He rolled on the side of bed to look at the phone to see time. What's the use to watch the time when time isn't on my side. This thought crashed in his mind.
    Tears fell again on dried ones as he stared at his phone's screenlock. A picture of Jungkook who is looking serious while working on his laptop. The photo he secretly took during his personal training days with him, for seokjin Jungkook looked best when he is focused, so he had to take a chance and click his photo.
    Those were days where he use to see him everyday unlike now and his past life. Seeing him was like adding days to his life.

He looked at his hand where once he was physically hurt by Jungkook but after that he was caressed by him too. In that he witnessed a never unfelt gentle touch of Jungkook-ssi. A warmth was given to him, in his heart even though Jungkook was cold.

Jin's this life must be very little yet fortunate than his past one where getting glimpse of Jungkook was like finding water in dessert. So a touch from him was like a mission impossible. But in this life he is rewarded, a little, yet.

He kept staring at his boney wrist with veins clearly visible, realizing how weak he is becoming.

I wish things were on my side. Either I had never met you or my love could be weak enough to not feel pain when it's unrequited. This pain is so frightening.

His heart refusing, still he braved to look at the last gem left. With the bad health he is feeling in, surely gem have done something fretful. He took a sigh and clutched the necklace, taking it out to see.
   His eyes widened, shaking with tears forming.
   The last gem was loosing it's shine.
He tremblingly stood sat groaning out in sudden body ache, jolted. He brushed his hairs with his shaking fingers and sobbed lowering his head. He wiped his tears and shook his head, but regretted as he felt more dizziness.

“I don't want my end in this way.” he whispered to himself, between his tears. Harshly wiping tears, he stood and tried to jump out of his bed to run out but his legs got entangled in blanket causing him to topple down on tiled floof.

“Aaaghh!...” He shrieked in pain. He heard a crack from his elbow. For a normal any person this accident might even barely bring a scratch, but to weakling Seokjin, his elbow got fractured, signaling him that his body is melting. (Not literally)
     There's more to worry about—he thought, not crying over swelling pain that was hammering his whole hand, he got back on his feet, running out.

As he stood in middle of road holding his injured hand, he saw how sun burned his eyes as he was locked in his dark, depressing house for days. 
    He ran in front of the coming cab who's driver was ready to throw a curse at Seokjin, but looking at his woobling figure and crying face, he dropped down his anger. Seokjin hastily got inside the taxi.

“To the Jeon's mansion, please.”


“Here we go.” Driver reminded to the restless zoned out Seokjin who's eyes were still leaving tears without him knowing. He broke his train of thoughts and look at the driver with sad face, his good hand trying to find money in pocket.
   “Sir, I forgot money. I'm sorry.” he mumbled.
That Driver smiled apologetically yet kindly.
   “It's okay. Just make sure to get well whatever you're crying over.” he smiled.
    Seokjin's heart fluttered at his kindness, he sincerely thanked him more than good times as he got out.

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