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~My heart dosen’t beat anymore yet it aches~


“Such a beauty at this place?

“How you feel here?”

“Umm, you don't smell like rotting flesh.”

“Ohh you are blessed with beauty but not with the life. Poor soul.”

“Why are you in white silk dress with veil? Were you going to marry?”

“Perhaps are you a bride?”

“What happened that made you come here between us?”

So many questions shooting from this dead people to a beautiful man sitting in graveyard.

“I shouldn’t had come out of my grave. It was peaceful there.” The man muttered staring at dirty, withered rose bouquet in his hand. Toying with legs.

Suddenly everyone’s voice stopped as someone interrupted them.

“Keep your rotting mouths closed, this isn’t the way you treat our guest, make him comfortable you halfwits.” He looked up to see a pretty man walking through the people. Giving everyone a not-so-serious glares.

“Now get your decomposing brains into some work.” He shooed everyone, who shrugged there shoulders and walked to there ways.

“Who are you?” Jin stated wiping his tears.

“I am Hoseok but you can call me, Hobi.” He gave a brilliant smile calming Jin’s cry. He seemed different from other people that stood here before.

“Please stop crying. This tears are reminding me of mortal world. Mortals always cry.” He shook his head.

“I am sorry but I can’t stop my tears.” Beauty in white sniffed, wiping water coming out of nostrils with silk sleeves.  

“Ohh really!?” Beauty nodded, staring at puddle of fresh water, his pale face with blue lips, and cloudy eyes(when a person dies, after sometime there eyes forms a blueish gray cloudy. above retina which vanished beneath it.) reflecting into water.

“Than how about a joke?” Hoseok smiled raising brows. Beauty nodded indifferently.

“Okay so what's the difference between cancer and my younger brother?” Jin furrowed his brows, looking at the man curiously who was already on his way to burst into laugh.

“Only I couldn't beat the cancer.”  beauty chuckled loudly, the joke was funny but that loud cackle from hobi was more hilarious.

“Even I love uncle jokes. I was famous for such jokes.” Dead beauty smiled, remembering how everyone used to laugh forgeting there sadness. Everyone loved his joke. His smile faltered again, unknowingly. 
Hoseok saw sudden fall on his face. Why this innocent man is here? Looking so vulnerable and in distress. 

“Why are you here? How did you die? Accident? Murder?” Hoseok seemed talkative when he bombarded Beauty with questions.

“Neither, I-I committed suicide.” Hoseok gasped. 

“Ohh, what made you do that?” he surprisedly asked. Thinking about who made this beautiful innocent person sad?

“Unrequited love.
The one I love don’t love me, infact was getting engaged to be married with someone. And me hopelessly in love with him, couldn't bare the profuse pain—I drank the poison.” 
Hoseok couldn't make a sentence regarding what that man just said.

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