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Seokjin walked inside the boss's cabin but took an unsteady steps as he saw an unwelcomed insolent emotion on older's face. His mood seemed quite off.
      Jin lowered his head, and stood in corner as he didn't knew the reason on why he was called here and even there training was over so he couldn't think of any possibilities.

“Seokjin, I wanted to tell you that retail's annual report pendrive will be in your hold for few days, since Kim Namjoon is on leave.” Jin nodded his head obediently.

“And once again, sorry.” Jungkook's cold voice rang in his ears making him look at older in confusion.
“For disturbing you last night. We didn't mean to interfere in any of your  plan.”

“Sir, please you didn't disturbed me. I didn't had any plan last night. I enjoyed Taeyon aunt's company” he smiled.

“Really? Is that so?” Jungkook raised his brow. Jungkook walked to him.
“If you didn't had any plan, than why did Taehyung visited you?” Jin's smile fell. He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't comprehend anything when the tall figure walked and stood before him with an unreadable yet cold expression.

He wished to see something on that face, so that he could get an idea for a way on where this will lead. This coldness was frustrating.

“Now, I got idea why you were dressed that way.” A faint smirk with tint of bitterness spread across older's chiseled face. “You should have been honest atleast.” Jungkook grabbed younger's wrist and draw to harshly place the pendrive in his palm.

“No sir, this all....it's not what you think.” Jin vigorously shook his head. He stepped closer. “He came for work purpose, and me w-wearing that, was all coincidence.” his face turned red.

“Kim Seokjin.” Said name winced.
“Why are you giving me all excuses, I don't care, do whatever you want. After all you both are seeing each other.” Jin unconciously drew out his hand to hold the coat of older, he don't want this misunderstanding to dwell on Jungkook's mind.

Seokjin couldn't understand that if Jungkook didn't cared than why he can sense the bitter running in older.

This isn't good, this misunderstanding  should end.

Before Jin could proceed to talk, he was cutted.“Get out. I'm busy.” Jungkook removed the small hand from his coat harshly. Still Jin stood there, his eyes stunned with his lower lip quivering. He wants to yell the truth out.

Jungkook turned around and went to slump on chair. A sudden burning sensation in heart pained him so much. He opened his heavy eyes to see Jin still standing there. “Seokjin I said out!” Jin flinched and moved out with heavy heart.

Jungkook smacked his tongue as he something was disquiet inside him. An urge came to grab anything and throw hard till it shatters. But, he was snapped out as his phone rang.

“Hey Jk.” It was Taehyung. “Sorry, man I couldn't give you the chartered file yesterday. I didn't mean to delay.  Actually, I and Seokjin bumped into each other in cafeteria and our files got exchange, I ran to his house at night for file as soon I realized that he has the file, and today is the submission due. I'll send you file right now, sorry.” Jungkook sighed closing his eyes, as guilt rushed into him.  “I-It's okay, but don't let it happen next time. I can fire you.” Jungkook muttered mindlessly, as his mind was into something else.

“Yeah-yeah. And bro, I saw Seokjin just now, he looked second away from crying. What did you do, again?” Taehyung heard him muttering ‘Shit’ and phone ended.

Jungkook bit his lip and harshly brushed his hairs with fingers. He felt like to pull his hairs.

Why I end up hurting him? Jungkook groaned.

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