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Seokjin clutched the duvet in his fist and shifted, due to the unfathomable cold stare given to him by his boss sitting across him at the couch. He paused and hissed inaudibly as the sudden pain jolted in his lower body and back, reminding him again that he is no longer virgin.

"Do you know what happened between us last night?" Jungkook broke the long silence in this room through his callous voice. Seokjin little startled by sudden rang of voice -he gulped.

"We..." he fiddled with the bedsheets below him and his eyes landed on his own clothes that were messily scattered on the floor.
"We made...l-love." He continued his line but soon wanted to take it back as he saw an angered scowl on older's face and later a scoff was thrown by him which already made jin upset.

"We made a mistake!" Jungkook spat.
And there Seokjin's heart sunk. The pain was too high to let out in cry. He hung his head low incase if tear trickles out because he can already feel the stinging tears at bay. His eyes landed on the necklace. Only two gems were left. This pain is nothing in front of his cracking heart. He sighed in heavy, his lips quivering.

Making love is beautiful and that to with someone you love is the most absolutely lovely thing, but Jin here feels nothing but disheartment as he sees how his love is remoarsing everything that happened.

Jungkook stood from the couch swiftly, making Jin flinch. He walked
towards the window. "Everything was supposed to be professional between us. I can't believe, I let this happen." He kept his hands on his hips as if was bounding himself from something, which little scared Seokjin.

"We were drunk, but how I can be this careless." he muttered to himself, utterly dissapointed with himself which Jin could clearly hear. Not to mention that hint of regret and anger in older's voice that wasn't helping Seokjin aches. Thinking of Jeon feeling the disgust for sleeping with him makes him more numb inside.

"You, listen to me." Jungkook spoke up as he turned around, his eyes as usual dark cold that frustrates Jin, he wants to know what he thinks, what he feels, but those eyes either hides it or has nothing.

"Don't talk of this to anyone. Got it?"
His face getting dark as each second passes. "Seokjin, I asked you something." Seokjin inhaled shakily and let out small yes.

"Now go and get ready, we are leaving by 2:00." The indurated voice sent the shivers to him. Jin bit his lower lip, hiding his gloomed eyes but nonetheless nodded. He once again looked briefly at Older's eyes but got that callous look again, so he quickly avoided that, in this he doesn't want to show his own disdain.

Jin wants to laugh at himself for hoping that he would find love in man that is nothing but a stone inside. He didn't felt any regret to give his virginity though. Jungkook is the first man he ever wanted to give his dignity. But now at this cost? He wants to mock himself for believing in everyone who told that he would get his love and would succeed this gems game. He had this feeling deep down that he would fail to get love from cold-hearted Jeon.

Seokjin doesn't want to make fun of himself more, make him feel embarrassed by looking all in this vulnerable state and with those useless tears waiting to fall. He badly wants to scream at older, yell of what he has done to him. In what situation he is in. How vulnerable he is in only for loving.

He tried to stand but hissed and soon realized he is naked, so he shrunk into the duvet. Not liking the pain in lower region and thumping head.

"Can you plea-please turn around I need to wear my clothes." he fumbled, pressing his voice to prevent that wavering tone. Jungkook turned around facing his broad back to younger. Jin looked at the mascular back that had scratch marks reminding him that they made lov-.... slept together.

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