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“Seokjin, I can't believe it” Hobeom said in disbelief.

“You nailed it!” Taehyung exclaimed, patting his little trembling hands. They were all quite impressed by presentation file done by seokjin, even jungkook. The merits, demerits were neatly written and elaborated, the success of company was well observed with detail information. The projects were diligently explained with needed graphs and articles. It could easily captivate investors.

“First we thought you have screwed the work. You'll be kicked out by boss. But, your report was perfect. You took the game! More than anyone had expected” Jin bowed as he was walking out of room, muttering thank you to all who praised him. But, he didn't felt a pride swelling in heart even for little.

“I beleived in you.” Taehyung smiled, and walked away with someone, leaving Jin alone in corridor, when someone called Jin.


Jin stopped as a familiar voice rang, making his heart beat fast already. He turned around to see Jeon, walking toward him. “Seokjin.” Jungkook spoke again, but it felt like words were on his tip of tongue but couldn't come out - his mouth was open but shutted it. 

“Where were you for two days?” After seconds of silence, Jungkook asked.

“I...” Seokjin stuttered.

Jungkook gulped little as he couldn't name the emotions showing on younger's beautiful face. Seokjin bit his quivering lower lip as tears started to form. He mentally slapped himself for being a crybaby.

Jungkook arched his brow, as his eyes lost it's coldness - when Jin's eyes were brimming. “Sorry.” jin mumbled and excused himself, walking away. Jin felt extremely embarrassing to unleash his emotions in front of Jeon. Believimg he looked pathetic! Leaving Jeon in middle of corridor with heart having something that was very foreign to him. He felt an urge to hold that delicate wrist and stop him, but he just stood there.


Jin was day dreaming while sitting in his cubicle. Exhaustion taking over his body. He didn't had any goodnight sleep for past two nights. Nothing felt like a feeling of gratify. Just an tiresome heaviness. His eyelids were dropping. So, he trudge out to have coffee.

He walked to the corridor, when he saw a middle age woman, who wore  same dress exactly like his mom has. He walked closer to see her thoroughly - when that lady went inside elevator. He paced faster and took a glance of that lady but, the door shutted close. He shrugged his shoulder. His phone rang. “Hello Jin.”

“Yeah Jimin.”

“Where are you, boss called you. He wants to see you in his office.”
“O-okay.” As he hastily took the stairs as elevator was busy - totally forgetting his coffee.


“What? she is here!?” Jungkook questioned standing up from chair.

“Yes, I saw her taking elevator.”

“Taehyung, send her in my office.”

He washed his face with bareface. He immediately called old age house where she was staying.

“Hello maple leaf old house speaking.”

“I'm Jeon Jungkook, son of Jeon Taeyon.”

“Ah, Jungkook-ssi. We tried to call you but, you're phone was out of reach. She kept saying that someone was following her and she ran away two days ago. We were about to inform you.” his eyes widened.

“And if she was scared that someone is following her y'all didn't cared to check?... Then taking money for what!?” He shouted some more and roughly ended the call.

Unfulfilled Wish| Kookjin.Where stories live. Discover now