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"Ay yo Jin-ssiii." Jimin encircled his arms around Jin's neck as he arrived in office.

"Hey." He said in small tone. Sitting in his cubicle.

They were talking nothing serious when suddenly two workers came inside there department and stood in front of Seokjin, who got flinched by seeing two men hovering over his cubicle.


"Jungkook sir wants to see you. Come with us." They sternly said. Jin gulped in nervousness. Everyone present in cabin saw him with puzzled eyes.

As Jin's head and body was aching so he was taking time. But, seemed like those men were in hurry. They half yelled. "Will you hurry up." Jin bowed muttering sorry and gave a confused look to Jimin and everyone, while walking out with them.

As Jeon's office was held open, all department heads were seated on chair with stern cold face, expect Taehyung who had little soft eyes.
Jungkook was sitting in the middle.

Jin bowed a little, and as soon his eyes met with the dark one, he lowered his eyes and duck his head in timidness. All yes were on him, making him feel like a criminal.

"Mr Kim Seokjin, have a seat." The man in suit sitting beside Jeon, gestured him to sit.

He hesitantly sat and thanked God that a table was before him to keep a good distance between. Jungkook who was exactly in front of him- stared intensely yet coldly at jin, who felt his hairs raising.

Why are they staring like this? Why did they called me? Jin had questions running down in brains.

Jungkook leaned little forward and placed his hands on table. "Kim Seokjin on Tuesday, at what time you left the office?" Jungkook's strict voice was the only thing to break a heavy silence.

"Um, around 6:30, Sir." Jungkook didn't gave any reaction.

"Did you used your computer that day?"

"I mostly had written work but I might have used it."

"And for what purpose?" Jin badly wanted to speak on what's the matter behind this and straight come to the point.

"For completing the files you gave."

"Are you sure, you used your computer for that purpose only."

"What do you mean Sir?

Jungkook inhaled and clenched his jaw, as Jin was staring at him with innocent eyes, which he thought as fake.
"Aren't you tired of speaking so many lies. Cut the crap and speak the truth. Why you used the computer?"

"Sir, I am speaking truth and-"

"You are really good at lies. I must admit it. But, you are caught Kim Seokjin." Jungkook's voice was getting higher.

"What are you talking about. Please enlighten about it."

"Sure. You hacked the main computer and transfered the important file to your computer. And later you gave the project plan to D'sousa groups. Right?" Jin's brows kneeted. He couldn't swallow this big accusation impose of him.

"No Sir, I didn't do anything." Jin snapped his eyes wide and said.

"Ohh really!? Than why here it shows that file was transfered into your computer?"

"Sir, I swear I know nothing about this. I don't even know to hack computer." He desperately spoke as he was innocent in this. But, his already teary eyes didn't helped him to prove his innocence.

"Believe me."

"You are new here, you haven't gained our trust yet. How can we believe in you." The other man present spoke.

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