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“Where is Seokjin?” Jungkook asked swirling the pen between his fingers. “Sir, he hasn't come today.” Namjoon answered. Jungkook stopped his work and looked at him.

“Did you called him?”

“Yes, I did. He said he isn't feeling well.” Jeon pursed his lips and looked at him. Nothing more to obey - Namjoon bowed and left. Jungkook clicked his tongue and threw the file on the table.

Hour passed, someone knocked the door, entering after permission given. He rolled his eyes in annoyance as the heels sound reached him before person, indicating who that is.

Sunmi entered and tried to present the best smile at him, that Jk never mind to see. She plumped down on the chair in front of him. “You look stressed baby–”

“What you need?” He spoke cutting her, coming to the point.

“I just came here to see you.” she shrugged her shoulders.

“Seen enough? now let me work.” He darted his eyes back on laptop.

“Also, I came here to take the trading file.” she faintly scoffed at the cold replies. Jeon handed her the asked file, and she grabbed it rolling her eyes, already standing to leave. But, she stopped and turned around. “By the way where's your employee? That boy–” she pretended to think with a teasing smirk spreaded across her face as she saw how Jungkook took an irritated sigh.

“Seokjin. Got his name. Where is he? He must be here for he is assigned with that important work. Isn't he? Oh is he absent? Tsk, this is very irresponsible of him—ditching the office when important meeting is held day after tomorrow.”

“Sunmi, have I gave you the file?” she nodded. “Then cut the nonsense and  leave.” he bluntly said.

“Who even wants to stay.” she mumbled, pissed of his coldness.



Jungkook felt like pulling his hairs and bang his head on the table. Two days, for two days Jin didn't showed up at the office. His phone frustratingly unreachable. And no one knowing about how much work he has completed. Has he even completed it or not? He wanted to check his work, edit it, rectify the mistakes if made and present an impressive presentation for meeting. But where the hell is he!?

Department's heads and all other wokers kept talking about how unworthy employee, Jeon picked for this work - that pulled his anger more.

Jeon even thought of to go at his place and rant him for being irresponsible employee. Tomorrow is their meeting
and he isn't even known with the whether jin has completed the assigned job, will he come tomorrow? Did he screwed with work and trying to hide himself for that? Did he just gave up his job? So many questions lingering on mind.

    Jeon wants to know, he wants to see him.


“Shall we commence our meeting?”  foreign man asked. Jungkook took a deep breath and glanced at the door. Everyone was murmuring about Jin, that pulled every patience's string out of Jeon. He swore that if Jin ditched this - he'll gonna fire him with taking alot of worthy from him as compensation.

“Yeah we should.” Jeon answered, clenching his jaw. The pencil he kept holding tightly broke into two pieces. He banged his hand little before standing, startling everyone, shutting their mouths who saw the dark eyed jeon.

As that foreign man was about to  open his mouth to speak, door banged opened, earning everyone's attention.

“Sorry.” a small mumble came.

Jeon loosed his clutched on dead pencil, with his eyes slightly wide at a certain person who extraordinarily showed up.
‘Seokjin.’ Jeon whispered.

Said name bit his lip as he timidly walked in and took an empty sit. His face, ears red from embarrassment when he saw that everyone is present only his chair was empty. He could here a lot of things from people present that Jeon shushed them.

He looked up and gave an apologetic stare to Jeon who held hid cold gaze. ‘Sorry’ jin mouthed ducking his head a little.

Heobeom nudged him, raising his brow at him, Jin shrugged his shoulders, that made Hobeom shake his head.

“Well, better late than never.” Kwan scoffed, and stood up to pull down the projector screen. Meeting started and everyone's undivided attention was at screen and Jeon who was bold as ever a perfect businessman could be - explained the upcoming projects and convinced the partners to invest into their company.

Seokjin kept taping his feet, taking nervous breaths and fixing his shirt sleeves.

“Banking Retail, has always been a platinum side for our business.” as retail was heard, Jin paused, he knew it's his time now. Jungkook stared at Seokjin reaching out his hand for that particular file that gave alot headache for past few days. Seokjin visibly gulped before handing him file and pendrive - that Jeon noticed and furrowed his brows slightly, taking the nervous look of seokjin made Jeon take a deep sharp breath.

Everyone looked at Seokjin, who lowered his head.

Jungkook opened the file, after attaching the pendrive to laptop. He took a deep sharp breath before his mouth was parted open little.

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