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“Hey hey, Seokjin what happened?” Jungkook's restless being held Jin's wrist, who just let out a suppress cry in his palm making older worry. Jeon gently placed him on the couch behind them—and kneeling before him. He thought this might be all alcohol drama, but this painful tears and face draining it's color surely says Jin is in great dismal.

“Jin are you feeling pain? Should we go to the doctor, tell me, hm?” he clutched Jin's little shaking hands and tightened it with his. He just wants to end the certain pain in Seokjin. Because his mother trusted him to take of him, only for his mother—Hell he shouldn't had brought him here in first place.

Though Jin did good job of being his secretary but if even he wasn't here the, things were manageable for Jeon. But yet he got convinced by his mother to bring him here with.
Jin shook his head sniffing. “This pain won't be cured by anyone but—you.” his voice falling with every words that left. Jungkook again held his hand back from to wipe those wet tears, maybe possible if he could bring some calm to him. But there he is just watching the tears falling.

“Seokjin, what can I do to help you. If I can, I will.” he subtly ran his thumb on jin's knuckles. He didn't expectated his voice to waver a little, his own self is weirdly weakling. Jin who's head hung low raised it and making a direct eye contact with him catching jungkook by surprise—he surely believes by now that this beautiful eyes holds magic. Even drowned in agony, they held something special. Something enough in it to bring out different emotions out of him. He let out a breath.

Jin wiped his own bangs from his face—that blocked his eyes from looking at handsome man in front of him, holding his hands bringing him little essence of hope in broken, dark.

He freed his one hand from older's grip and wiped his tears away only to feel another one already rolling on his cheeks. He again held the eye contact and bit his lower lip when he realized how for the first time he looked into those eyes briefly. His eyes softened more and more, feeling the numbness.

I wish time could freeze so I can let out my heart on how much you mean to me, what light, role and meaning you hold in my life. What beauty you hold in my eyes. I wanna confess but will you accept it with heart?

“I have told you that I like you. Haven't I?” Jungkook was taken back by this. This wasn't expected. He felt flustered at the soft tone that was used by Jin. He didn't gave a reaction and what he is suppose say on this?

“I didn't lied, though.” he straightened the curved collar of jungkook who flinched on the touch. “I have always loved you.” Jeon stared at him with his big eyes. Love is big thing, and this is his alcohol speaking.
   Jin exhaled out, soothing his fingers on older's chest who gulped. Jeon's heart flipping inside. Something felt pleasant and something just still held pain.

No—I can't.

“Uh, Seokjin...” Jin quickly kept his palm on jungkook's lips to stop the upcoming words, his eyes widen a little bit. “Don't say anything if it adds more pain to me—please.” his eyes teared up. “You don't have to answer. It's just that I felt to let my heart speak out.” his voice broke. Jungkook's eyes melted, his eyes landing on necklace hanging on long neck—two gems in bright, four dead rock, one looking one step away from loosing it's shine just like many of them.
    In two-three heartbeats his mind mysteriously brought him the dream he had yesterday giving him the same anxiety and restlessness that bothers, brings him pure distress for quite a time.

“Seokjin I'll take you to your room, if you want to then you can sleep here, I don't mind. We can even go to the doctor if you say so.” he rose to his feet, his hand never leaving that wrist of younger.
    This alcohol, a little anxiousness, dizziness isn't making Jeon feel good, he just wants lie down and maybe even sleep for to let go of an unknown things and peturbs running in his mind.  

“What I mean to you?” Jeon looked back to Jin who was staring right at him. “Am I just a mere employee to you?” he stared hopefully to Jungkook who racked his own hairs, licking his lip. 

This alcohol is bringing the tongue to Jin. He never heard more than this much from Jin, before. And he isn't enjoying any bit of this.

“No, you are my favorite employee.” he said coldly. 

“Why?” Jin innocently asked, his feet shaking.

“Because you work hard and has helped me alot, especially in the meetings.” he huffed a little.

“Really? really I have helped you alot?”


Jin bit his lower lip a smile appearing.

“I have given you help so for that even I need something in return.” Jk furrowed his brows but gave in.

“What do you need?” Jeon bit his inner cheek when he saw a twinkle in Jin's beautiful eyes.

“You'll give me?”

“Yes.” Jeon replied. If Jin shuts up his sentimental non sense that brings him certain discomfort, then he's willing to give him anything.


“Just say what you want.” he held his angered tone.

“A k-kiss.”

Jungkook was stunned, his eyes staring down at sitting Seokjin who was hopefully staring back. Jeon gulped with his mouth partly open.
He released the the wrist of Jin and bit down his lip. He raised his hand and quickly reached to his cheek where he felt burning sensation. Am I blushing?

“No I can't give you that.” Jeon swiftly shook his head.

Jin puckered his lips and kneet his brows in disappointment. “But you promised me. I am not asking for more. Just one kiss on cheek” Jin said in the bargain where he wants kiss somewhere else. “Not on lips.” he suppressed a small giggle when jungkook looked at him in disbelief.

“I didn't thought of you'll ask for this.” jungkook said.

“But why can't you give me a kiss?” Older looked at how innocently Jin is asking for kiss!

“It brings me discomfort.” Jeon stated sharply.

Jin teared up and started sniffing. His hiccups increasing, Jk went on his knees again and looked at him clenching his jaw feeling very weird.

“Stop crying—okay I'll give you.” He gulped and placed his index finger on Jin's chin raising it up. He placed his other hand on younger's shoulder, leaning towards Jin who held his breath. It's like the pain, the heaviness is vanishing away, bringing colors.

He doesn't know from where all this confident aroused in him to ask for kiss but he needs it. Incase if he failed his gems, there will be something good, something memorable to take.

Jungkook leaned forward and placed his lips on younger's cheek, he Jin stiffening a bit, while his hand clutching Jeon's shirt. Jin's whole face was flushed when he felt the warm lips melting on his cheek.

Jungkook's lips flattened above the soft supple warm surface, he tasted the salty tears, while sweet scent of Jin bringing him calm, he closed his eyes. He leaned more to firm his lip but realized it how he is loosing himself and retreated back. The kiss was long than he expected to give. His eyes landed on Jin who slowly opened his eyes to met with Jeon's sharp one.

There hearts were beating fast when Jeon's eyes slowly traveled to the thick moist engorged, deep pink plump lips of Jin. The heat arousing in them. Something twitching inside Jeon when he saw how pillowy and kissable those look, he bit down his own lip, finding an urge to pull himself back. He puts the blame all on the alcohol.

The close proximity of there's, the beauty of Jin being witness by him so briefly, the intoxicating scent isn't helping him and not when the man before him is in all of gorgeous. The heaving Jin's breath is very sexy right now. He could smell the alcohol.

His hand traveled to the nape and pulled him and crashed his lips to Seokjin's.


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