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“Sir, why?” Jin breathed out as soon he stepped in the Jeon's cabin. Jeon looked up from his laptop and raised his brow.

“Sir, you are well aware of how much weak I am and yet you assigned me for this work. I know you want me to improve in it but this isn't right time to test me. I think you should hire somebody who is smart. Like Namjoon.”

Jungkook stared Jin. “Seokjin. Who's the boss here?” Jin lowered his head after answering ‘You’. “Go and start working on it already. Don't stand here on my head.” Seokjin went back to his usual place on couch and powered the laptop to work on it. He doesn't understand this. Work monitored to one who is weak. The file for an important meeting done by a rookie. Why?

He raised his brows to release crinkles on forehead and started working.

Jungkook tore his gaze from laptop to Jin who looked focused. A little frown on lips, pen tucked behind ear and eyebrows slightly tensioned. Jungkook cleared his throat internally as some thoughts started running down in his mind—he fixed his sight back on the work.


It's been two days since seokjin is appointed for a loafty work. That requires alot of brain and responsibility. He is so busy proving himself worthy for job that somewhere he forgot about his gems. Not totally but whenever he thinks of it - his hope fall down, aching his heart severely. So, he distracts himself and goes with flow. He can't force himself on someone, not on the one who already has a partner he might get engaged soon.

So, he has left everything on fate.

Seokjin quickly shutted off the device he was working on, cleaning the desk carelessly, wanting to reach home early as his parents are leaving town for work purpose. 

“Yes, dad just few mintutes, I'll be home.” he ended the phone and paced faster. He wanted to meet them before they leave for a week.

He had his file in hand. Usually he keeps the file in the office, but today he wanted to do some work from home too. So, he took the file with him.

He walked on the dark road, clutching his file tightly, nagging himself for forgetting his bag in hurry as it had some extra money for to buy some stuff for his parents. No, cabs and buses were to be seen. As he took a turn he saw that spooky dark alley, that he never takes even if it's a short cut. He turned his sight away from it, never he wants to walk in there.

But he saw a middle aged woman sitting in the dark, crying. He quickly ran towards her and lifted the weak woman carefully.

“What happened Aunty?”

“Please take me away, anywhere, they might see me.” she rapidly spoke, clutching Jin's hand.

“Okay, tell me your address–” she turned more pale.

“No! Not there, Please...” she shook her head vigorously.

“Okay, then let's go to my place.” Jin patted her trembling hands.

“Please...” he supportively held her forearm and helped her to walk, she had srcaped knees, and clothes were shabby.

Suddenly They heard some man screaming. “There she is!” Jin turned his head back to see two men running towards them. So, he ran quickly looping his arm around lady's shoulders, helping her run faster. They ran in the alley. 

Luckily they saw a lonely cab passing by so he quickly called for help. Cab stopped so he paced faster thanking the God. But, He tripped over rock causing him to harshly land on wet ground. His file flew and landed somewhere in the dark. He searched his file and saw it lying in sewer. He wanted to put his hand in it and save his file even if it was gross.

“Please..hurry...they're coming...”

Lady yelled fretfully trying to lift jin, but he himself stood up fast and scooted themselves in the cab, driver seeing the situation, dashed the car,  droving away - as those two men came closer to them.

He hissed as wounds on his hands stung badly and his already injured wrist ached, maybe because of the sprain caused by his whole pressure weighed on wrist when he fell down. Blood was oozing out of wounds. His phone rang. “Hello, son. Sorry but we left or else we'd miss our train.”

“It's okay dad...” he sighed, hearing his mother rambling out for meeting him before leaving.

“We'll video call you later.” His dad said. Jin hummed “Take care dad, and mom's too, love you, bye.” and he ended the call.

They reached home. Seokjin quickly opened the door and let themselves in. Sighing in relief.

He gave the lady his mother's clothes as her clothes were really muddy. She muttered thank you and left for cleaning herself up.

Jin made vegetable soup and omelette for both of them. “What's your name young man?” she asked, taking a bite of food, getting impressed by this boy's cooking.

“Seokjin. And your's aunty?”

“Taeyeon.” He smiled as he served her some more food, loving that she is heartily eating his cooked food.

As her dinner was done, he asked the question running in his mind. “Why were you running away? Who were they? What happened?” he saw how lady's face fell. She sighed deeply “My husband is so cruel. He was forcefully admitting me in the mental hospital not known to my son. He has been very abusive from beginning of our relationship. My son is the only source of life to me. He loves me so much.” her voice cracked.

“Does your son know about this?”

“No...he don't know about me running away.”

“Do you want to talk to him about this. Do you know his number?” She shook her head. “I don't know his number.” She regrettingly said.

She looked at Jin in concern, which made Jin tilt his head little. “Your file...was that important?” She bit her lip as Jin shrugged and pressed his lip in thin line, sighing. “I'm sorry dear, because of me...”

“Ah, don't worry. It was important, but not that much. I will handle it.” He assuringly said, pretending.

Jin plumped on bed, after washing dishes, cleaning kitchen, making sure Taeyeon aunt's bruise on forehead and knees were dressed and she slept in the guest room comfortably.

He stared at ceiling as tears brimmed, his lips quivering. First he is weak in work and now is file just got washed away in gutter. Why everything fails him? He clicked his tongue as his heart ached. He placed his hand over his eyes, crying in silence.

Seeing his hardwork floating in that gross, burned him from inside. And remembering pissed, raged jungkook's face curled him in fear and disdain.

Now how will he face Jungkook? First of all needs a firm hand in work. So, he wanted to prove himself by standing with expectations Jeon had - that was the chance to make a place in Jeon's eyes. But, now he just gave another chance to Jeon on hating him more.

Why nothing goes as he wanted?


A/n :— Any thoughts on what is happening in this and previous chapters.

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