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“Son, so are taking him with you?” Taeyon splashed an eager question on Jungkook before even he could walk pass the threshold. He looked at her and nodded that made her hands claspe together.
    “And why did you threw a tantrum on taking him with me?” Jungkook asked attentively looking at her, who gave an odd chuckle. “I'm sorry for I behaved that way earlier. Seokjin has helped me alot so you know I just wanted to repay him. Germany is such a great place to visit, isn't it. He will feel nice and fresh after getting stressed here.”

“I'm not going for any vacation, mom. My schedule's gonna be really tight.” Jungkook didn't want to take Seokjin with him as he is already weak in health and all the pressure in meeting might make it worse. But, he had already asked him and got an answer as a ‘yes’.

“He'll feel more stressed with me.” Jungkook added. His mind little divided.

“He will feel more alive with you, there.” mumbled his mother inaudibly. “Son, he won't be stressed. You'll take a good care of him. I know you well.” Jungkook flusteredly  ignored her eyes and walked into his room.

He slmuped exhaustingly on his bed. Taking him there for just business purpose while he isn't in good health sounds bad and selfish to Jungkook. But a surreal feeling sprawled in stomach in thought of he going with Seokjin.


I hoped in my whole. house. All burden from weakness, despair, distress is gone. I'm in brilliant health! In all vibrant blood. I could feel my heart beating in pleasant.
     Just thinking of me being with him itself gives me a felicity that can be felt not described. I can feel my heart swirling prettily inside.

I heard my phone ringing—It's Taeyon aunt.

“Hello.” She chuckled as she sensed my glowing grin.

“You sound lively.” She said and I couldn't deny it as it's true! I nodded my head. “Yes I am.”

“Use this chance well, fighting!”

I sighed contently. “Aunt. Thank you so much for everything.” She chuckled. She has given me a big chance, I will try to let it go in vain. “Seokjin you have a very beautiful heart which I was awared of when you saved me risking yourself. I'm lucky that my son's got someone so gorgeous, adorable and with so much goodness.” her words brought a beam on my face with warmth and my heart felt pleasantly full.

“Call me if you need anything, goodbye dear.” I bid her back and ended the call.

I opened my wardrobe and quickly rummaged through my clothes, picking out some good ones, took some medicines like painkillers, and few basic necessities.
    Mom and dad will be here by day after tomorrow. Mother was little hesitant on my sudden overseas travel. She wanted to see me very first when she comes here.
    I cleaned the house, cooked simple dinner for me. As I was done with the soup, my phone rang. It was Jungkook-ssi. This automatically makes me take a deep breath as my body starts to feel funny and tingly.


“Hello, Kim Seokjin. Be ready at 3:00 pm tomorrow, I'll pick you up.”

“Oh-okay.” He ended the call before I could ask him if he was done with dinner or not but it's okay. I was and I'm used his coldness. I sense he isn't like that, maybe lowkey he is tsundere


Seokjin locked the main door and stood before the gate waiting for his boss. Wait ended soon as Jungkook's glossy limo came in sight and stopped in front of him.
    The window slide down and usually and effortlessly handsome looking man was seen inside. He stared at Seokjin who got inside after the door was being wide opened. Seokjin had tightly clutched a white plushie childishly. Younger saw his boss staring at his soft toy and him with awkward face. “I like to carry it with me, wherever I go.” Jin said and chuckled. Jungkook shook his head slightly and ordered his driver to drive straight to airport.
    While they boarded the plane, older made few calls regarding his own jet, as usually he takes his own jet, but this time some paper issues occurred which made him take a local flight in an urgency but luckily in business class.
    They slumped down on there seat which were side by side-well very very pleasant for Seokjin. He couldn't keep his smile, and felt a pull towards older, but he kept himself from leaning on.


“Seokjin...” Jungkook woke up to see Seokjin sleeping while clutching the plushie and little pouted lips!
Uhhm, Well thats...

Sekjin woke up from a slumber and realized that the plane has landed on the desired destiny. His back ached as it isn't best for him to travel by plane, but his head resting on something which wasn't soft but definitely warm, he wanted more to snuggle. He stretched little.
     “Wake up, we're here.” He shoot his head up at the realization that hit him when sudden cold voice ranged. He stared at the older's face. Ohh, this warm surface was his shoulder. How embarrassing of him. “Don't forget your any belongings behind.” He nodded and fastened his seatbelt.

A man in black suit with a black slick Bugatti was standing to fetch them to the room booked in grand hotel of Germany. They went with the man who was sent by the company he had meeting with. Jin watched the pretty streets of Berlin through the car window, his eyes drooping his in the sleep, but the excitement and nervousness in him made to look out and overthink a little with anxiety of how he'll initiate the steps towards his goal and reason of comeback. 
    Eagerly yet subtly he looked at the older through corner of his eyes—who was typing something on his laptop and later struggled to keep his yawn but later released it inaudibly, which made Jin smile fondly on how cute Jungkook looked.

They reached the hotel. “Thank you.” Jungkook shook his to the man in grateful who reached them safely to the hotel. They walked inside the enarmous luxurious hotel which made Seokjin's eyes twinkle as he roamed his eyes around. They stood before the receptionist who smiled at them.
     “Hallo. Welcome to the Great Berlin hotel. Would you like to book a room.” Her pleasant smile appeared as she eyed both of them. “Maybe the sweet honeymoon suit.” She slightly clasped her hands, her eyes roaming on awkward two. That gave a tiny fluster to Jungkook, he coughed little, eyeing Jin who's cheeks had slathered pink blush.
      “Room must be booked under name of Jeon Jungkook.” Jeon stonely said to the lady, who quickly checked on the computer. “Y-yes sir, two rooms are booked. Here are your keys.” She handed it. Jin huffed and looked elsewhere his bubble of staying with Jungkook bursted.

There  luggages were escorted to there respective rooms. Seokjin gave one last glance to his boss who had his room across his own. Attentive Boss, felt eyes on him, so he turned around.
“Kim Seokjin, do you need anything.”
Said name fumbled in embarrassment as this time he was caught shamelessly staring at him.
“Ug, nothing...”
    “Okay, call me if you need anything.” Jk said but didn't mind to look back at younger, just pushed himself into his room and door was shut.
    Seokjin slumped down his shoulders and opened the door to come in cozy neat room. He sighed in tiredness, sprawling on big fluffy bed.


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