chapter 40

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Roman pov

It was early when I woke up I went down stairs and saw that dean was awake sitting on the sofa watching TV

Hey dude you alright I asked He didn't answer me

Dean? I said walking over to him

Earth to dean? I said clicking my fingers he snapped out of it and looked at me

You alright I asked He sighed how's jojo he asked with out answering my question she's ok she misses you and seth I said Yeah he said you want any food I asked no im gonna go for a walk he said going over to the door I grabbed his hand turning him around get off me he said trying to pull his hand away from me Dean look I just don't want you being alone ok I said whole he was still trying to pull away from me then seth came down and saw

Us whats going on he asked dean wanted to go for a walk I didnt want him to be alone I said to him

Get off me dean said still fighting to get out my grip dean his right seth said leave me alone dean snapped back dean calm down we are trying to help I said trying to keep my grip on him

N-no dean said he started getting weak witch made me worry

Dean you alright I asked as he stopped fighting my grip

I kept a hold of him but didn't have any grip on him now he shook his head

I went to let go of him but he couldn't even keep himself up

Dean whats wrong seth asked I felt dean start to shake a little I was worrying now dean got enough energy to pull away from me stumbling in to the wall and sliding down to the floor and blacking out

Dean? Seth said I knelt down beside him dean I said putting my hand on his shoulder I picked him up taking hun to the sofa lying him down on it he was starting to Burn up

And started going pale

Seth went and wet a towel with cold water and came back holding it on dean's head to try keep his temperature down I went and got a bottle of water

Seth lifted dean's head up a little and put the water to dean's mouth slowly pouring some in his mouth

He drank abit before starting to cough I pulled the bottle away waiting for his eyes to open but they didn't seth put his head back down

A few minutes later dean's eyes started to open once they did it look like he was trying to get them to focus and once he did he looked abit confused

He moved his hand to his head

Dude you ok I asked what happened he asked you collapsed I said how you feeling seth asked him i feel sick,dizzy and my head is killing dean said back he then wet to sit up we held him down

Dude stay there ok I said ok he said I got some pain killers he took them and just told him to close his eyes and try relax seth kept the cold towel to his head as his temperature was still rising

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