chapter 90

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Dean pov

I am leaveing the hospital today and I can't wait to get out of here I hate hospitals

Seth is here with me right now he hasn't really left my side but it's nice to have him here I turned my head to look at him and he was already looking at me

"You ok?" He asked I nodded my head "bet you can't wait to get out of here" he said with a little chuckle I nodded again "you tired" he asked me holding on to my hand I held back with what little strength I had as the meds they gave me before we're kicking in witch is what makes me tired so I just nodded again "Get some rest then" he said kissing me I kissed back then closed my eyes for rest
A faw hours later

I woke up a while ago and seth said I was free to leave so he helped me up and thats when I really felt how weak my body really was he had to keep a hold on me and he helped me change then got me down to the car and put my seat belt on went back in to sign me out and get the meds I'll have to take

He then got back in the car and looked over at me I was still feeling tired

"You ok" he asked I nodded he done his seat belt up and started the car and drove to the hotel on the way there I kept nodding off so seth kept talking to me to try keep me awake until we got there

Once we got the he got my meds then got out coming over to my side and giving me a hand up to our hotel room we walked in and sami and roman were not here he helped me over to the sofa and lied me down and got a pillow that he put under my head and then covered me up

And I closed my eyes falling asleep instantly
Seth pov

I had just laid dean down on the sofa and covered him up he closed his eyes and feel straight asleep I went and put his meds in the kitchen and went back to the main room and decided to lie down with him he moved a little and put his arms round me snuggling in to me I smile pulling the cover over me to and kissed his head then closed my eyes to get some rest

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