chapter 5

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Warning sexual parts in this chapter

Next morning
Dean pov

I wake up really early and leave there room before any of them wake up and head back to my room and pack my bags ready to leave it was only 3am so just sat down and once again got lost in my own thoughts
Seth pov

I woke up at 4 am I packed my bags and went out to the main room roman was still asleep so I woke him up and we went to cheak on dean but he wasn't here we worries and went to his room and walked in and he was lieing on the sofa we went over to him

Dean? ok I asked He snapped out of it hmm what he said are you ok I asked yup never been better he said ok you ready to go I asked He nodded and got up and grabbed his stuff then we left
On the plane

Me and dean were sat next to each other roman was behind us with randy

Dean I wispered looking over at him what he said I need to tell you something I said ok he said the guy that I like I stopped and took a deep breath spit it out rollins dean said

It's......its you I said he turned his head to look at me shocked and didn't say a word

Dean? I said he turned his head and looked away from me I sighed

We didn't talk the rest of the way there I think I made a mistake telling him I might of just lost him

We got to the arena and roman went to get water leaving me in here with dean alone

Dean? ok I asked He turned to look at me

Why he asked cause your quiet I said Yeah well I wasn't expecting you to say you liked me he said turned back around and went to walk away but grabbed on to the wall I stood up and went over to him you ok I asked yeah I just went a little dizzy he said moving and started doing some push ups

About 5 minutes later roman comes in with our water he gave one to me and dean

I looked over at dean and he looked a little pale

You ok I asked yeah he said drinking some water and putting on on his hair our match was good we won again dean doesn't look to good tho we got to our locker room and dean just collapsed on to the bench you alright dude roman asked him yeah he said have you eaten anything today I asked He shook his head you got to eat dean I said im not hungry he said after we left and got to the hotel we are all in one hotel room again as we didn't want dean alone dean walked in to his bedroom I followed

Dean will me liking you come between our brotherhood cause your acting weird around me and I hate it I said no it won't come between us he said you sure I asked yes he said im sorry I love you I didnt mean to feel the way I do I said w-wait you l...... love me he said yes I said he just looked at me what I asked why he said why what i asked why do you love me what's there to like let alone love he asked dean there's alot to love about you your eyes your smile your laugh your funny you dont judge anyone your kind...caring and lot more I said he looked at me shocked

What to much I asked no just didn't think you would care about all that stuff he said I could see a little smile on his face witch made me wonder if he liked me back just to scared to say it

Anyways come on come eat I said im not hungry he said dean you haven't eaten all day how can you not be hungry I asked I dont no he said I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder trying not to just kiss him he shivered at my touch

You need to eat dean I said but im not hungry he said I didn't no what to do and I ended up leaning in a kissing him he seemed shocked and I was about to pull away and say sorry when he started kissing back I was the one now shocked I licked his bottom lip for entrance witch he allowed I was so shocked but so happy it felt so right and I felt sparks the world just stopped and it was just me and him we pulled apart I looked in to his amazing icey blue eyes that I can get lost in

He smiled at me do you I was gonna say but what cut off by dean crashing his lips back on to mine I was a little taken back but kissed back and I loved every second of it

He pulled away and looked at me I cut him of its ok dean I get it I said about to turned around no seth wait he said I looked at him

I like you too he said I smiled and kissed him again I licked his lip for entrance again witch he allowed again and I walked towards the bed us both falling on to it not breaking the kiss I was now on top of dean I was getting a hard on but tried to hide it but I think he knew cause I felt him smile in to the kiss witch made me smile I felt him move a little witch rubbed up against me witch made me moan in to the kiss dean moved both his arms round my back pulling me closer to him

Witch really didn't help my hard on  I pulled away and looked at him he smiled then leaned down and kissed him again I then stand us both up and push him against the wall not breaking the kiss both my hands on the wall on both sides of his head I moved one and moved it down to his jeans I moved my hand over his cock softly I heard him let out a little moan in to the kiss I moved my hand up abit to his belt and took it of I undone the button and zip of his jeans and put my hand down them and start stroking his member thourgh his boxers

Him moaning in to the kiss just turned me on so much more I pulled away from his lips and took his top of his hands found there way down my joggers and on to my member witch made me moan I started leaving little kisses down his chest he then took my top of and I could feel his member getting harder as well as mine was

I want you to suck me I wispered in his hear then pulled my hand out from his jeans and took his hand out my joggers I looked at him as he smiled at me

I'm tired he said I looked at him

What he asked laughing a little

Your such a tease I said we'll you can't see anything yet he said walking over to the bed taking of his jeans right in front of me and getting in to bed night seth he said I can't believe he just did that I went over and got in bed next to him and put my hand back on his member he opened his eyes and looked at me I just leaned in and kissed him beforw he could say anything I moved my hand and put in under his boxers this time and stroking his member he moaned in to the kiss and I pulled the covers down

And moved I pulled away from his lips looking at him I pulled his boxers down now seeing his hard member as I heard him moan as my hand was still working on it I left kisses down his chest and then put his member in my mouth he moan as I sucked it felt great

It wasn't long beforw he was at his limit and he pulled away so I started useing my hand again he reached his limit and moaned in pleasure his hand was still on my member so I decided to let him do it to me now so pulled my boxers of

Your turn blow me I said in his ear he turned us over so he was on top and put my member in his mouth I moaned in pleasure and when I got to my limit he pulled away and used his hand and after all that went and took a shower then both went to sleep

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