chapter 74

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Seth pov

After a little while I woke up I looked down at dean his head now on my lap he was lieing on his side I moved some hair out his eyes so I could see if he was asleep and he was so I stayed there and just looked on tv to see if there was anything to watch I ended up watch fast and furious 6 and near the end I heard dean cough a little so looked down his eyes were opening

"Hey you ok" I asked "hmm" he mumbled rolling over on to his back but then quickly rolled back on to his side he moved his hand to his stomach

"You ok dean?" I asked "im good" he mumbled he moved a little going to sit himself up I gave him a hand "you sure you don't look so good" I said "I an getting a headache" he mumbled lieing himself back and rolled on to his side facing me he put his head on my mid section and closed his eyes moving his arm to try cover the bit of light still going in his eyes "do you want me to turn the light off" I asked He nodded he moved his head so I could get up I turned the light off and shut the blinds and went and sat back down he put his head back on my mid section and closed his eyes

I put my hand on his head and messed about with his hair
3 hours later

Dean started moving a little so I looked down at him he moved on to his back and looked up at me he looked completely dazed

"Dean?" I said "seth? everything.......s-spinning" he mumbled I sat him up and knelt down in front of him

He grabbed on to my shoulder tightly his breathing became a little uneven "dean?" I said his eyes went to close so I got him up and laid him down on the floor "dean? You ok" I asked "no" he mumbled back I got up and got the bag and came back over to dean

"It's gonna be ok dean I promise" I said a few minutes later he started convulsing his eyes rolled to the back of his head I tilted his head up and bit and got the tube out the bag I slowly put it down his throat

About 5 minutes later he stopped convulsing and foaming at the mouth I took the tube out and put the breathing mask on a few minutes later he regained consciousness

He opened his eyes and looked up at me "It's ok dean" I said he soon got with it I took the mask of and helped him sit up I got him up and on the sofa I laid him down cleaned the stuff up then came back to the living room he moved a big and told me to lie down with him so I did but I got and pillow and cover first and covered us up and I cuddled up to him keeping him close he fell asleep with in seconds

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