chapter 15

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Seth pov

It had been a faw hours I was starting to fall asleep too when I started hearing dean mumbling something I looked down at him he was still asleep I just focused so I could hear what he was saying
No!no p-please dont n-no Don't! and then dean shot up and on to the floor

I got straight up going to him

Dean? Hey its ok I said n-no don't p-please he said dean Hey! dean?! I said roman then came in probably hearing me shout at dean whats going on he said then saw dean and came over to us dean? Dude what wrong he asked d-dont p-please he said back roman looked at me he just keeps saying that I said

Dean roman said going to put his hand on dean's shoulder dean jumped and looked up at us

Hey!? Dude it's ok roman said to him Dean whats going on I asked I-i don't no he said he then moved his hand to his neck does your neck hurt I asked y-yeah he said roman gave him some pain killers then me and him lied down on his bed him on my chest I just held him close to me slowly rubbing his back

Dean what happens in your dreams I asked I d-die he mumbled I only just heard him

Hey its gonna ok me and roman are here I said b-but you l-leave and r-roman stops t-talking to me he mumbled once again hey dean look I love you ok I know your not ready for a relationship and im fine with that and I wouldn't leave you and roman would never stop talking to you your his brother you mean alot to both of us we know you haven't had it easy but we are here now and these dreams started when that girl turned up what did she do to you I said s-she lied he said abit clearer so I could hear him

What did she lie about I asked

M-me she said she c-cared b-but she didn't s-she was just like e-everyone else in my s-shitty l-life he said dean don't say that me and roman mean it when we say we care about you and I know now why you never want to get use to people being in your life but me and roman aint going anywhere dean I said he just nodded his head and stayed quiet

I just kept rubbing his back it will be ok I promise you me and roman will both help you through this you aint alone anymore dean I said he didn't answer so I looked down at him his eyes were closed he seemed to have fallen asleep again I leaned my head down and kissed his head then closed my eyes too

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