Seth pov
The next morning when dean woke up he wouldn't talk to me or roman
He just ignored us we do know he has a headache tho so he has just sayed in bed
I told roman he could go see his family and I would be fine here with dean he didn't wanna go but I talked him in to it after he left I laid in bed with dean his back was facing me I put my arms around him and kissed his cheek
"Dean please talk to me" I said he moved a little and then rolled over to his other side to be facing and put his arms around me and just put his head into my chest so I couldn't see it
"You ok" I asked He didn't answer me "dean? Please just say something to me" I said "stop talking" he mumbled in to my chest
"I love you and I wish I could take this all away from you" I said "I love you too" he mumbled he then moved his head of my chest and arms from round my waist and rolled back over to face away from me I just put my arms back round him keeping him close to me
"Try get some rest" I said he didn't answer me I just kept him close to me
After a while roman came back he came up to mine and dean's room
"Hey how has he been" I wispered coming over to me "he said a few things but that's about it" I wispered back "no fits?" He asked "no" I said he sat down and I sat up
"This is really getting to him" I wispered "I know but we will get him though this" he wispered dean then moved a little we turned our attention to him and he rolled back over to his other side so he was now facing us but he was asleep
"I wish I could take this all away from him" I wispered "me too dude he don't deserve this" he wispered back
"Have any of you eaten" he then asked "no not yet" I said "do you wanna get up ill stay with him so you can shower and then I'll go down and make food" he wispered
"Ok thanks man" I wispered getting of the bed where you going" dean mumbled "im gonna go have a shower ill be back" I said he then mumbled something else but I couldn't hear him as he turned over to lie on his stomach and put his face in to the pillow "you alright dude" roman asked him he didn't answer just move his head so it was facing away from us
"I won't be long" I said "ok dude" roman said and then I left the room and went for my shower and when I came back roman went to do food
Dean was lieing down facing me he was asleep again
We woke him to eat but said he wasn't hungry me and roman tired to get him to eat but he wouldn't have any of it and went back to sleep so me and roman ate then he stayed with dean while I went to get some fresh air I ended up just for a run and on my way back roman called and told me dean had had a fit when I got home dean was downstairs with roman dean was eating witch is good he looked pale and didn't look fully with it after he ate he laid down for some rest and almost instantly fell asleep as he laid down on the sofa me and roman played on the xbox for a bit keeping in quiet and still keeping an eye on dean