chapter 69

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Dean pov

It had been about an hour and I just couldn't fall asleep seth's words just kept repeating in my head and I was getting a headache and im exhausted after about another 45 minutes I managed to fell asleep

And when I wake up seth was in the room with me roman wasn't in the room

Me and seth locked eyes he came a little closer "dean im really sorry about yesterday I didnt mean what I said I was just shocked and upset at what you said I wasn't thinking about what was coming out of my mouth and im sorry please just forgive me" he said I could see the tears in his eyes I didnt say anything back but it did make me think about what roman said should I forgive him and give him another chance

"Dean please say something" seth said I moved my hand to show him to come here he came over and sat next to me I rolled on to my side to face him he looked at me I could see he was really sorry hell I should understand I've said some bad things to people in the past cause it was just the heat of the moment

"Lie down" I mumbled he did and I put my arms round him and put my head on his chest "do you forgive me?" He asked "shhhh" is all I said back closing my eyes as I was still tired and soon drifted back of to sleep not long after that tho I woke back up seth had his arms round me now to I moved my head and looked up at him his eyes were closed "seth? You awake" I wispered he opened his eyes and looked down at me "no im sleeping" he said i smiled at him he smiled back "whats up" he asked "nothing just wanted to see if you were awake where's roman?" I asked "his out with his family" he said "oh ok" I mumbled "you ok" he asked "just really tired" I mumbled again moving my body and putting my head on my pillow seth came closer wrapping his arms back around me and kissed me I kissed back

We just laid the for abit just looking at each other I put my arms back around him pulling him closer to me and closed my eyes drifting back of to sleep

Later that day

Me and seth were sitting downstairs cuddled up watching TV I had had two fits in the space of an hour witch seth said lasted pretty long a little while later roman got back I moved my legs so he could set down "hey dude you ok" he asked as he sat down I pulled my legs back up putting them on his lap

"Tired" I mumbled "has he been alright" he asked seth "he had two fits in the space of an hour and we had a talk and I think we're good now" seth said back "you guys hungry" roman asked "yeah" seth said I didn't answer I felt a little sick so didnt really wanna eat although I was hungry

"Dean? You hungry" roman asked "no" I said closing my eyes I think i ended up falling back asleep

I dont know cause when I woke up

Roman and seth were looking at me worried and I had that stupid breathing mask on and i was on tue floor I had had another fit great

I had had no energy right now so just stay still I looked over at roman "it's ok dude" he said I felt seth grab my hand I was gonna look over at him but instead just closed my eyes again after awhile I felt them take the mask of I opened my eyes a little I mumbled something that o could tell made no sense by the way they looked at me they got me up and got me to bed roman went to go get some sleep and seth stayed here with me cuddled up to me

"I love you" I mumbled "I love you too" he said back before I fell asleep

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