(3) All I Want

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We were a few games into the season and I was feeling good about this year, from a baseball perspective. I loved the manager and I felt really close to a lot of guys. Not a lot of guys are left from when I arrived here in 2012, but there is still a few guys left that I've gone through it all with. From Jake Arietta to Starlin Castro we've been through some ugly times with this team. But we got new guys like Jon Lester and Dexter Fowler who round out this team. The talent and personality was plenty and that was just what I needed after the last few months I've had.

I walk into the locker room before a game with the Marlins here at home with the biggest smile on my face. My day has been spent texting Jess just talking about whatever is on her mind. She doesn't do much right now because she was still recovering. She was in the hospital for about three weeks from the beginning of January to the end of the month then spent all of February recovering at home going to the cafe every so often giving me the chance to see her. She wanted to get back on her feet but there's still a few pieces she was missing and still had therapy to get through before she could get back to doing things everyone else can do.

But she's in good spirits. Her sisters are right there helping her out. She has degrees in communication and business so there's a lot for her to do here in Chicago should she choose that's where she wants to go. Originally she was going to run my foundation for me but that fell through for obvious reasons. I haven't even told my parents I was talking to her again because they're going to just right back to where we were even though we were back at square one right now. But a start is better than nothing.

"Why are you smiling like a idiot" Jake asks as he sits next to me. He wasn't starting today so he was actually fun to be around.

"Nothing" I try not wanting to further complicate all of this.

"You're a shit liar" he accuses making me laugh.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" I accuse.

"Try me" he challenges.

"Alright. I'm texting a girl" I start as he scoffs.

"Okay you're right. There's no way you're texting a girl... unless it's Jessica" he accuses.

I just smile as he waits for me to laugh with him. Once he realizes that I wasn't laughing his eyes get huge as he leans in. "No way. No fucking way" he whisper yells.

I just nod as he starts to freak out. "It's been like 4 days but we started to talk again. We're hanging out after the game tonight" I explain.

All of the sudden he lands a punch on my arm making me grunt. "Tony that's great" he cheers as I grab for my arm.

"In what world is you beating my ass going to make me excited" I ask.

"I'm sorry. But I'm just so happy for you! You're getting your girl back" he claims.

"Now don't get ahead of yourself. We're literally just going to the planetarium to hang out" I explain.

"That's her favorite place in the whole city" he remembers.

"I know. I'm trying to find the balance of me showing her that I care and I listen and not making it seem that I obviously know a lot more than I should. But it's so hard when I just want her back so bad" I sigh.

"I understand, to a certain extent. I won't ever be able to fully understand what you've been through. But I know lightning doesn't strike twice so what you have is special. Always was. I hope everything works out" he says softly.

It wasn't just me who lost her, my friends and my family lost her too. She didn't remember any of us and it was hard to have to move forward without her. She was great friends with everyone she met, such a ray of sunshine on the darkest day. Her presence was felt just as well as it was missed. I know her and Jake had a lot of fun together, she watched over his kids many times so him and his wife can go out. Brought homemade food over just because. She was the best kind of person and losing her hurt everyone. Now there's a chance, a small chance to get her back.

The game comes and goes and Lester throws a gem. I had a home run and we beat the Reds pretty handily. After the game we do interviews then I change before hoping in the car. I head over to the planetarium and see Jess's red mustang convertible parked near the front. It was a classic and in great condition, she took great care of the things she loved and she really loved that car.

I walk up to her as she smiles up at me. It took everything in me not to pull her into a kiss and tell her every reason why I ever loved her.

"Hey Anthony, great game. You looked really good out there" she starts and I smile. She wasn't all into baseball quite yet but she is getting back to learning the game.

"Thanks. You're looking beautiful as ever tonight" I tell her as she starts to blush.

"Thank you. The stars have a wonderful way of bringing out the beauty in everything" she claims.

"I think they have nothing on you" I insist.

She just smiles up at me as she starts to rubs her arms. It's mid April but that is still cool by Chicago standards. "Are you cold? We can head on in" I insist.

"That would be great" she nods.

I softly wrap my arm around her and pull her into me. Immediately her eyes find mine before a small smile comes across her face. We walk into the building together and past all the pictures. We get to the front desk where they were selling tickets to the shows. The front desk person recognizes us and I pray they don't say anything to set Jess off.

"Hello there. Two for the Greece show" the man asks and I try not to show how much I was freaking out. Because I was freaking out.

"How did he know-" she starts as she turns to me.

"Just a popular show I guess" I try.

I pull my wallet out and quickly pay for the tickets before she had time to further question this interaction. We walk to the viewing area and she turns to me. "Where should we sit" she asks.

"Back left corner, it has the best view" I insist.

"Alright" she cheers as she heads there. We sit where we usually do and get comfy in the seats. No one else was here really which was nice.

I turn to Jess who was already staring at me. "I feel like I already know all about you" she claims and I smile. She loved people, she was great at reading them and even before we were together she said the same thing. But I think I knew a little more about her at this time.

"What do you know about me" I wonder trying to get a sense of where we were at.

"I feel like you have a lot of joy in making people happy. That's why you like to play baseball. Your passion isn't just in the game, it's in the people you play with and the people you play for. I can tell you really care about people, you notice little details most people skim over because they deem it unimportant. I don't know, I just feel like you're a really great guy" she claims.

I couldn't help but smile because even with her not remembering anything about me, she still saw me for how I wanted people to remember me. And that's as the best I can be.

"You're absolutely right" I say as she smiles back.

She turns on her side so all her attention was on me, like we were laid up in bed together. She moves in closer as she just stares at me. "You know, I've had a really rough few months. Like I didn't think my life could get any worse. I've tried not to let it get to me but it's been really hard. I feel so.. so alone. So confused. But when I'm talking with you I don't feel all of that" she tells me.

"All I want is to make you happy" I admit.

She reached over and laces her fingers with mine as she looks at our hands molded together. "You do. You really do" she promises.

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