(58) One Lucky Man

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It was finally the morning of the wedding and to be honest, the nerves were gone. Jess and I said our "see you laters" this morning before her sisters pulled her away from me. I've been chilling out in my room at the planetarium listening to music and having a good time with my dad and my brother and my groomsmen.

"I've never seen a man so calm on his wedding day" my dad teases.

"What do I have to worry about, you know? I know she wouldn't back out, she wants to get married as bad as I do. So many times we wanted to go out to the courthouse and say I do but it wasn't right. She deserves to finally have a wedding day and I deserve for the world to see that lighting does strike twice and if you never give up on true love it will come back to you" I say.

"Not everything works out for people all the time" he reminds me.

"And I know that. Which makes what I was able to create, what was able to stay despise us being apart, that much more special. It assures me that greatness is not only obtainable outside of the sport I play, but it's sustainable throughout space and time" I insist.

"I guess you're one lucky man then" he smiles.

"I guess I am" I admit.

We finish up getting ready and it comes time for me to take my place at the alter. As I stand there I look out and see my parents sitting next to her mom. And usually the grooms family is on one side and the brides on the other. But we never believed in separating the two. I was almost as close to her parents as I was my own. Her dad meant a lot to me, he's helped me out so many times before and we would never get to this point without him. So there was a good mix out there and it made me smile. There wasn't more than 50 people but for us that was enough. It was 50 people in our lives who has loved us through everything.

Finally the piano starts and everyone rises to their feet. I take a deep breath through my nose and let it release slowly through my mouth. My eyes flutter close as I focus on slowing my fast beating heart. It wasn't nerves but rather excitement. I wasn't sure what to see when I opened my eyes, and that's the beauty of life. Because I know no matter what I see at the end of this isle, it's going to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and that will never change.

My eyes slowly open back up and when they do I see Jess with her dad at the end of the isle. The tears were immediate as I couldn't take my eyes off my beautiful bride. I wipe away the tears that had fallen to my cheek but they just get replaced a few seconds later. I cry like a baby the whole time she walks down the isle, her eyes never leaving mine as it seems like everyone around us disappears. It was just her and I like always.

Her dad kisses her cheek before sitting back down with his wife and my parents. It took everything to not grab her face and kiss her perfect lips. But I wasn't about to mess up my own wedding because I couldn't control myself. So I stand my ground as she takes her place across from me. I smile like a idiot as I take her in. The dress was beautiful but her in that dress, it was a sight second to none. I know for a fact that my bride was the most beautiful bride in the whole world.

We get through the boring stuff and say our vows. She had written another poem which was just beautiful and I stutter a bunch but I get to tell her want I want to. She will never be able to fully understand just how much I love this woman.

My little nephew was the ring barer and he does his job better than I could ever ask for. We get the rings on and say "I do" before I lift her vail. Finally my lips meet hers as her hands cup my face. I kiss my wife for the first time and I honestly couldn't wait to do it again.

We go and take pictures by the window with the city behind us. I was trying to look at the camera but I couldn't take my eyes off of Jess.

"You are so beautiful" I whisper as she smiles up at me. I feel my heart pound against my chest and I kind of hope it never stops.

"You make me feel that way" she assures me.

After it took forever to get through pictures because I couldn't look forward it was time for the reception. We eat the amazing food they set out and listen to the toasts. Many more tears were shed for everyone involved here today knows that this was a long time coming and it was hard getting here. Everyone here was involved in the hardships and they get to enjoy the good with us too. And this wedding was the perfect way to tie it all together and I kind of wish it wouldn't end.

It finally comes time for the first dance so I grab my beautiful wife and we head to the dance floor. The music starts and she looks at me weird.

"I don't know this song" she starts.

"Nobody does except for me and my good friend Eddie Vedder" I say as she raises her eyebrows.

"What does he have to do with this" she asks.

"That poem you gave me, I gave it to him. He took it and he turned it into a song. And with your permission he actually wants to release it once we get to enjoy it first" I explain.

"No way" she gasps.

"Yes way" I smile.

"That's... that's amazing. I wouldn't be honored" she smiles real big.

We continue to sway as the music takes over. I've only heard it a few times before today but it was still so beautiful.

"You had my heart right at first glance
And now I have a second chance
Another opportunity to get off the wall and dance
For our love I will always take a stance

For love is what it's all about
And when I'm with you I haven't any doubt
I'll go all in, never out
Together we can make it on any route

Now here we are after all this time
A second chance to call you mine
For you there is no mountain I wouldn't climb
I'll shout it so loud they'll hear from Anaheim.

Being with you makes me as happy as ever
And now I know that you and I'd fall never
Through space and time this bond won't sever
With you through I'll make it through whatever endeavor."

I pull her into a long kiss and I lift her off the floor a little. The cheers die out and all I hear was our song and our love and it was the sweetest sound I've ever heard. I couldn't wait to start a family and go on adventures, this was just the beginning and I couldn't wait to go on this journey.

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