(5) I Like Crazy

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I look at myself in the mirror trying to make sure I had myself in order. I curled my hair a little and even put on some make up. After roaming through my clothes then my sisters clothes too I decide that skinny jeans and a black long sleeved shirt was the way to go for today. Once I add my white nikes I was ready to go out.

As I drive into the city I couldn't help but get lost in it. I come here all the time looking for clues, ideas of things I liked and wanted to be a part of. All I've been doing is visiting spots that interest me trying to find parts of me within it all. And here I found Anthony so I must be doing something good.

I find him sitting on a bench at navy pier and walk over to him. The sides of his lips pull tight when he sees me and moves over so there's room for me next to him. He pulls some daisies out of the middle nowhere and I smile big.

"Oh these are beautiful" I gasp as I take them from him. He sat there looking pretty proud of himself as I admire the gift.

"I saw them and thought of you" he claims.

"And why is that" I question.

"Because they're beautiful, bright, and puts a smile on my face" he says making my cheeks get really hot.

"You're too sweet" I accuse.

"Maybe I just really like you" he tries.

I play with one of the pedals on the flower as I stare at them, not strong enough to look Anthony in his eyes. I feel everything I've been trying to keep in knock down my wall and there was no stopping it.

"You can't like me because I don't even know who I am" I say.

"What do you mean" he wonders.

"A few months ago I fell and hit my head leaving my friends house and it caused my brain to bleed. That hemmorage caused a stroke leaving my brain very weak and inactive. I came back but it took me a week to be able to talk again and a few more to walk and feed myself and sit up. It was a minor stroke but it caused damage in my brain preventing me from accessing my memories from about five years.

I don't know much about things like Vine or who the hell Fifth Harmony is. Last I remembered the black eyed peas were ruling the world together and the iPhone 4 was the greatest invention ever. Now we're on to the iPhone 6 Plus and for whatever reason it's the same thing but bigger and costs a ridiculous amount of money and no one questions why we all want it. All of the sudden my oldest sister is married and has kids and I didn't even know. I couldn't tell you what the hell swag means and somehow Justin Timberlake is popular again.

I just want you to know that there's still so much I'm figuring out, so much I don't know. I don't want you to look at me and need me to to be someone I just can't be" I say softly. I feel a tear drop onto my cheek and I knew I was losing a grip.

But then I feel the tear disappear as Anthony reaches over and catches the next one. I finally find my strength to look up at him and I see he too had tears in his eyes. There's no explanation to what I was experiencing right now, but I feel connected to him, I feel like he was feeling something like what I was feeling too.

He rests his hand in my cheek as he pulls me a little closer. "I know we've only hung out a few times and known each other for a few weeks, but I would really like to be a part of your life. Even if you can't remember what it was like you still have a chance to make the next five years everything you want it to be. I have every reason to believe you can do it.

I don't want you to be anything besides yourself to me, even if you aren't sure who that is quite yet. All life is is figuring out the exact stuff you're looking for. And I would like to be a part of it" he claims.

"Your life is already so crazy" I remind him.

"Remember, I like crazy" he smirks.

I let out a sigh as I nod my head. "Alright then, I guess were in this together huh" I ask.

"I guess so" he smiles.

The next few moments we sit and talk for a little while longer before we start to walk around. After taking to the streets we find a food truck with Mexican food and I get excited. We order our food and find a place in the park to sit and eat. He lets me try some of his food and he tries some of mine. I try my best to figure him out but he was a beautiful mystery to me.

"So Anthony, anything I need to know about you" I ask.

"Nothing you don't already know" he claims and I look at him weird. "I mean- in the sense that what is import you know, or I'll show you better than I can tell you. But I'm pretty much as advertised" I admit.

"What's your favorite color" I ask.

"Green" he replies.

"Alright. Are you a mommas boy or a daddy's boy" I question. 

"Oh mommas boy for sure" he insists making me giggle.

"Okay. What's your favorite part of playing in Chicago" I wonder.

He stops eating as he locks eyes with me. I feel my heart stop for a second as he just stares right through me. His eyes grow sad before he looks back to his food. "There's a lot of things really. I get to work with the children's hospital and do something bigger than baseball. Touch people's lives, make a real difference in this world. I love all the sports in this city, going to bears and blackhawks games are lots of fun. The fans here are the best, always buy me drinks and food. I got lucky to end up in a city like this" he says.

I had a strong feeling that isn't what he wanted to say but I also didn't want to pry.

"You had a girlfriend since you've been here? Ever thought having a family" I question.

He freezes before continuing to eat slowly. "Yeah. I had one girl and we were actually about to get married. Had our whole lives planned out. But things fall apart, it happened so quick I try not to think about it anymore" he says lowly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to pry" I insist.

"It's alright" he mumbles.

"What about... music. What's your favorite kind of music" I wonder.

He lights up as he looks back at me. "Oh all different types. Country, rap, pop, slow jams, the whole nine yards. I love music" he insists.

"Me too" I agree.

"What's your favorite music" he asks.

"I'm a little outdated since I can't remember but I like what we like to call throwbacks now" I giggle.

"Maybe I can teach you a little more about music. Maybe on a date" he claims and I smile like I idiot. I didn't want to wear my excitement on my face but I couldn't help it.

"I would love to go on a date with you" I insist.

"Perfect. We're gonna do something really nice" he claims.

"Are you going to tell me what it is" I wonder.

"It's a surprise. But I have a feeling you're going to like it" he smirks.

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