(22) All Of You

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From what little information I can get from my past life I know that I used to travel a lot. I found my passport and seen I had been quite a few places out of country. Then when I asked my parents about it they broke down and admitted I was pretty well traveled within the country too. The extent of my travels is still a mystery to me, but I'm a curious girl so it doesn't surprise me.

So when Anthony had a series against the Mets he offers for me to come with him. I can stay with him and watch him play, then when he's done we can explore a new city all our own. I was little skeptical at first because this is the farthest I've been from home for the longest amount of time since my accident. I don't want something to happen and all of the sudden I'm in a strange place not knowing who I am or why I'm there.

But I trust Anthony, with my whole heart I trust in his ability to try and do what's best for me. He hasn't let me down yet and it's been nearly four months. His birthday is during this trip and in really want to be there with him.

And so I go.

I of course can't fly with the team because they fly together so we take out of O'Hare on separate planes. I make friends with the girl next to me on the flight who is from New York City and was in town to visit some friends from college. We talk about baseball and hit it off pretty well. Once the plane lands we exchange numbers and she promises that when I have some down time she will show Anthony and I all the cool places not a lot of people know about.

Once we go our separate ways I find my way to the hotel. Anthony was down stairs waiting for me and I smile big when I see him looking around for me. I leave my luggage at the front before launching myself into his arms.

"Woah, was the flight that bad" he asks as he easily catches me.

"No. The flight was nice actually, I just really miss you" I insist.

"You weren't scared? I thought you didn't like flying" he accuses.

"I said I wasn't sure. I don't remember ever flying" I reply.

"Right... that's what I meant" he claims.

"So what's our plans for the day" I wonder as we retrieve my things.

"Let's get you situated then we'll find a nice place for dinner" he suggest and I smile.

"I like that idea" I nod.

He takes me up to the room and I toss my things in the closet. I look at the single bed and stop for a second. Maybe he doesn't want me over because he's not ready to sleep together? I mean we slept together in his car and at my house but those don't really count. Maybe he doesn't think of me that way...

"Jessie" he says sternly and I jump.

"What" I ask.

"I said are you ready to go" he says as he holds his hand out. I smile as I slip my hand in his and he pulls me out of the room.

We walk around dowtown and I was in awe. While Chicago was the top of my list of favorite cities, New York has a thing of its own. The bright lights and all the action around every corner was addicting. No matter where you looked something was going on and for the most part it was good stuff. I didn't even know where to start with this place, I just hope I don't get lost in it all.

"How about some good New York style pizza" he suggests.

"Ohhh I can never turn down pizza" I admit.

"Alright. But this isn't like Chicago's deep dish, theirs is more... Italian" he claims.

"I like Italian" I tease because he was part Italian.

"And I like you" he smiles.

We find a nice pizza place that was a little busy but we didn't mind, we weren't in a hurry. I look around and see a bunch of old baseball players hanging up on the walls and smile. This city had many of the baseball greats, from what Anthony told me. Their teams between the Yankees and the Mets have had a lot of success. And no matter who you are and who you play for you have to respect success, especially when it's hard earned.

"One day pizza places in Chicago are gonna hang up your pictures" I tease as Anthony laughs.

"I don't know. Guys like Jon Lester and Kris Bryant get all the hype. I'm more of the backbone, not seen but needed" he shrugs.

"I don't think that's true. From what I can tell the fans love you. You have a great mindset and what you do is bigger than the game. You might not see it yet but people really appreciate everything you are inside and out of baseball" I insist.

"Well if you're saying it then it must be true" he smirks.

"Damn right" I assure him.

We get our pizza and eat nearly the whole thing. The owner asks for a picture with Anthony and he happily obliged. Even in enemy territory the man is loved. And it's not hard to see why, he had a infectious smile and a demeanor that even the hardest of people soften around.

Once we finish up the food Anthony pays and leave a them a decent tip for being so nice. We head back to the hotel and get ready to turn in for the night.

After I change and brush my teeth I walk out to the bedroom. Anthony was already in bed watching whatever was on tv out here. He finds a SNL episode and decides that is what he wants, he loves SNL. Always wanted to be on that show.

I stand in the bathroom doorway long enough to make him notice and he turns to me. "Are you going to join me or are you gonna sleep standing up like a cow" he jokes as I smile.

I finally craw into bed and wrap my arms around him. I rest my head on his chest as he pulls me in close. "You okay" he wonders.

"Yeah. Just wasn't sure you wanted... this" I claim.

"What" he wonders.

"Us sleeping together" I clarify.

He just smiles as he pulls me up far enough to kiss me. But instead of breaking apart he pulls me closer causing my heart to race. He gently flips us over so I was under him before he smiles at me.

"I want you Jessie, all of you" he promises.

I feel my cheeks get red as I pull him down so the space between us was no longer existent.

"Then show me" I challenge.

"Yes mam" he smirks.

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