(33) Totally Sensible

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The regular season ends and the Cubs decide to have a little get together to celebrate all the good things that happened this season. It's the first time since 2008 that the Cubs were in the post season and we were actually favored in a lot of categories. We had the best pitcher in the whole world right now and the future rookie of the year on this team. Put that with the future manager of the year and you got a good ass team capable of doing some damage. We had the call ups already making a impact on offense and I couldn't wait to see what happens next.

So after today's game the Cubs put some blow ups on the field and bring down food from the caterer. They invite the families of the guys to come join us as we celebrate a good time and hopefully good times to come. We leave for Pittsburg not too long after this so this will be the last time we will be in Chicago until hopefully the middle of the divisional series.

And this means that for the first time this year Jess can hang out with everyone and not have to walk on eggshells around her. Which made her really happy too.

So we walk around and talk to everyone so no one feels left out. She goes off with the girls and I grab a drink with the guys just like the good old times. I watch her from afar not afraid someone was going to say something wrong but just admiring her this time around.

"I miss seeing you like this" someone says and I jump a little. I turn around to see Jake Arrietta standing there with the biggest smile on his face. As of right now he is the best baseball payer in the world and that's no exaggeration. No one was playing this game better than him. Take away his no hitter he still has a ERA less than .75 in the second half of this season and hasn't allowed a run in like five straight games. The man was scary good, every time he took the mound you just knew he was going to be brilliant. But you couldn't ever tell by the way he walks around here.

"Like what" I finally ask my good friend.

"All happy and not so scared to be in love. Brittany told me about you guys and I'm a little mad I didn't hear it from you first" he accuses.

"It feels like a dream. It's been nearly nine months since the accident and at one point I didn't think I would ever have her back. Then I got her back and wasn't sure I would be enough to keep her. Not the second time around at least. Now she's here and we're together and that just really makes me happy. That I was able to bring her back to where she should be in this organization and with me" I say.

"Brittany sure is happy because she can show her pictures of her and the kids and the adventures we've been on. Some of my favorite memories here in Chicago are with you and Jess, you guys have been with us from the start and now we're going to the playoffs together. I cherish every memory I have with you two. Hopefully there will be many more, maybe one where I can get drunk and give a speech" he says as he smirks at me.

"We talked about it. I gotta get her ring changed to fit her now and not who she used to be and find a way to make it special. There is a right way to do all of this and it's gonna take a little longer than I want but it'll be worth it to be planning a wedding again. We're pretty much already engaged I just got to not fuck it up" I laugh.

"Yeah. Because you're totally sensible when it comes to her" he teases.

"It's easier now that she knows" I try.

"Is it though? Because you've been a staring at her for like 10 minutes straight and if you don't blink soon we're gonna have to splash water in your eyes" he jokes.

"Hey! I'm not that bad" I defend.

"It's worse, actually, but considering the year you have had I can't give you too hard of a time. It's actually a miracle you made it this far without losing your mind. She was the one person who kept you sane and having her but not having her must have been impossible. Yet you kept yourself together, you helped her find her way home and you posted some career bests out on this field. I mean if my wife lost all memories we had together I don't know what I would do but playing baseball wouldn't be something on my mind" he admits.

"I had hope. She gave me hope that I might not always understand what is going on but I will always end up where I'm needed the most. I know she would have wanted me to continue to play. Her parents kept me in the loops the whole time so I always knew how she was doing. I would spend every morning in that cafe waiting for her, just to see her. Maybe even hear her voice. I think I always knew one way or another we could be together again. That gave me hope to push on, that things could work out. And now look at us" I smile.

"Yeah, look at you" he smiles back.

Jess comes over and wraps herself around my arm. She was a very loving individual and that has never changed. I hope it never changes either.

"How are you doing love" I ask.

"Really really good. Us girls are actually going to meet you guys in Pittsburg and come cheer you all on and I'm really excited. I get to ride over to the airport with Britany and the kids" she says.

"That's great. I would love to have you there, I always try harder when I know you're watching" I admit.

"You should always try hard" she giggles.

"I do. But I try harder with you there" I smirk.

She pulls me down into a kiss and I happily kiss her back.

"Wow, it's just like old times. Too much PDA" Brittany teases as we break apart.

"Yeah well, get used to it" I smirk.

"So what's your guys' plan for after baseball season? Or have you gotten that far" she wonders.

"We're kind of just going with the flow, I haven't really gotten that far. I'm sure we will sit down and think about it eventually but right now we're going to the playoffs" I smile

"Damn right" Jake cheers.

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