(38) Same Love

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With the season now in the rear view mirror it was time to move on. It still stings to think about the way everything ended, wanted to give the fans so much more. But it's over now and I had plenty to worry about in the mean time.

Like finding a way to add or adjust something to Jessica's old engagement ring to make it more her. Right now it was a simple rounded diamond surrounded by much smaller diamonds. It's what she was looking at the first time around but I know it's not the same now. I wanted to make her ring more interesting and personal so I set out to do that.

I send her on some errands to keep her distracted. I had a lot of big plans for the near future, very big plans, and this was the start of them.

So I grab the ring and bring it with me on my journey to figuring this all out.

I find the shop I got the original ring from and let myself in. It's almost a year ago to this date I proposed for the first time and I was hoping that I can create that magic again.

"Look who blew in today" a familiar voice sounds causing me to smile. I find the girl who sold me the last ring standing at the back of the store.

I walk over to her as she shakes her head. "I'm back" I laugh.

"You didn't mess up, did you" she accuses.

"Not entirely, no. But I'm planning to re-propose but with something a little more personal" I explain.

"Lucky you the ring you got is perfect for stacking" she claims.

"Stacking" I question.

"Stacking is what a lot of women do to their engagement ring to make it a wedding ring. You take other smaller rings and let them surround the original ring to compliment it. An accent assessory if you will" she explains.

"Oh, that's perfect" I smile.

"Well I do know how to do my job" she jokes.

She takes me to a large glass case filled with little tiny rings. I pull out the old engagement ring and smile when I look at it. My heart warms when I think about the last time I was here, how nervous I was. So much has changed in the little over a year since I was here last. The next time I was her sitting figured we would be picking out wedding rings. But life has the weirdest ways to get you to where you want to be, and a lot of times the path is more trouble than what it seems it's worth. But I couldn't be more excited to be back here looking for something special with engagement rings.

"There's so many" I groan as I look them over. Honestly any of them could go with the ring but that doesn't make it the right choice.

"Can I see the ring" she asks me as she holds out her hand. I place the ring in her palm as she looks at it closely. She nods her head before her eyes move back to the glass case. "So I see a few options. Most girls would want one to go above and below the ring. You can do just one band and then decide if it looks better above and below but the sandwich is usually the most aesthetically pleasing choice" she explains.

"I think two would work" I admit.

"Alright. Now is the hard part" she says.

"Now" I ask as my eyes get big and she just laughs at me.

"Yes. Because now you have to decide if the accent rings with be two of the same or two different ones" she insists.

I let out a long sigh because I didn't know what I was doing. I couldn't ask Jess for help because it would ruin the surprise and I know better than to ask her which one because her answer is always "why not both" and that how we end up with Mac and cheese from Applebee's and a steak from Texas road house for dinner. And no offense to my friends but they're the last people on earth I would ask for ring advice. While most of them are married it doesn't change the fact that some of them wear the same underwear an entire series simply because they believe it's good luck. I love them, but they're not who I need right now.

So it looks like I had to figure this out on my own.

"I want to try two different ones. It can symbolize the two different relationships we have built but the same love and the same ring from last time" I start as she smiles at me.

"Now we're talking" she nods. "Let me pick out a few sets and I'll grab a model hand so we can take a look" she tells me.

She goes off to the back to retrieve a fake hand that actually looked like a real one. One by one she retrieves rings from the glass case before setting them out to the way she likes. Once they were lined up we take a look at the options. The first few I wasn't really into but about six tries in a smile finds its way to my face.

"I really like this one

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"I really like this one. The top ring looks like a tiara for the main one and the bottom one is simple yet beautiful, just like her" I sigh.

"You haven't changed a bit have you" she accuses as I laugh.

"I have changed a lot in the year since I was here last. I lost everything then had to fight to get it back. But my feelings for her, my admiration and inspiration I feel when I think of her is all still there. Stronger than ever" I promise.

"Well you picked out a beautiful set. I think these rings are amazing and she would love them" she insists.

"I think you're right" I admit.

I buy the rings and place them with the real one. I had a plan of how I was going to propose but I had a few... minor details to figure out. Until that was all said and done I would have to wait not so patiently until the time was perfect.

After grabbing a bite to eat I head back to the apartment where Jess was already there. She was working hard to do some fundraisers and I loved seeing her so passionate about this. It doesn't take her much to put her mind to something but when she does it's always 100%.

"Hey babe" I start as I walk over to her. I sit next to her on the couch as I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Hey sweetie. How has your day been" she wonders.

"Empty without you" I admit as she giggles. She pulls me into a kiss and now I know today was going to be a good day.

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