(37) The End

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The end is a concept I'm not really comfortable with. I'm not sure anyone is really comfortable with the idea of something ending. People stay in relationships they should never stay in because they are scared of the end. People do things they don't want to do because that's the way it's always been.

And though some things aren't meant to be, it doesn't make it hurt any less when it no longer is a part of you.

With that being said, the Chicago Cubs 2015 season was over and it was a pretty ugly ending. We don't win a game in the NLCS and our Cinderella story comes to a end. All it took was four games before we were sent home and the Mets were off to the World Series. We had the off-season now to sit and let these losses marinate into whatever we can to not let it end like this again.

I do my post game interviews and try to process the fact that it was all over, granted it all happened like 20 minutes ago. When it comes to this team I am usually the person people go to to ask questions. I don't mind it, I would rather they cut guys like Kris some slack because this is his first year and he doesn't have much to say yet. He's more of a performer than a talker and I like to talk more than anything. So I let them come at me instead of the team.

"What went wrong" a reporter asks and I smirk.

"We didn't win any games" I joke earning a few chuckles. "No but seriously this is a really young team. I'm a veteran and I'm 27 years old. You look at Javy and Kyle and Addison and Kris and you realize just how good this team is going to be. Besides Kris they have like what, 20 games under their belt and they're doing these incredible things on the biggest stage. I have every right to believe that this is the end of one thing and just the beginning of another" I insist.

"What was this season like for you? I know it's been up and down but what are you taking from this" another person asks.

I just smile before a soft sigh passes my lips. "I'm gonna be real honest with you, I didn't think I was playing this season. After my fiancé got in a accident I didn't really want to do much of anything. I hated the world, I didn't want baseball or much of anything to do with life. I wasn't sure I would be sitting here today.

But I know my fiancé at the time would have killed me if she knew I wasn't playing because of her. And I'm not just saying that, once we started dating again she assured me she would have killed me if I stopped playing because of her. But she couldn't remember me so if I didn't have baseball and I didn't have her... I didn't really have anything.

So the start to the year was awful, the worst times of my life. Then training camp comes and I start to feel a little better. I was moving on only I had to leave the biggest parts of me in the past. But then I came back and I ran into her and we tried things out again. It was different but it was still good. Now after this loss I can go home and realize that I lost a game but I didn't lose what is important to me. Some things are bigger than this game and she is one of them" I explain.

"What do you expect going forward" the first reporter asks me and I smile.

"So much. From baseball and outside of it too. This life we get to live, the possibilities are countless. I saw just how fragile it al is and it makes me cherish the things I get to do as a part of this team even more. I mean this team has already done more than anyone expected us to, and we will lose guys and get new guys but the goal is still the same. I will love this team no matter what and I hope that next year we can go the distance" I insist.

We finish up the interview and I gather up my stuff. I wasn't going to be back for a while so I grab my pictures and clothes and cletes before stuffing them in a bag. I take one last look around before letting out a sigh. Here's to all the great times I had and hopefully more to come.

I walk out of the clubhouse and find Jess sitting by her car. There wasn't a lot of people left here, I was the last one to leave. If I knew she was waiting outside I would have put a little pep in my step.

"I thought you went home" I admit as I make it over to her.

"I was going to leave but I felt like I needed to be here with you" she claims.

I set my stuff down outside of the car ready to embrace her. She pulls me into a hug because she knew how much I loved to hug. As soon as the scent of her perfume hits the back of my nose I immediately felt better.

"Why don't we go somewhere" she whispers in my ear.

"Where" I wonder.

"Somewhere where you can clear your mind. Trust me, I'm good at that" she smirks as I roll my eyes. She was all about the stroke jokes and it just makes me stressed.

"Let's go" I assure her.

We jump in her mustang and she puts the top down. The tires hit the road as we cruise down lake shore drive. It was pretty late so not a lot of people was out which was nice. We pull over and park to the side of the road. I look over and see Jess looking up at the sky. The stars dance around in her eyes and I admire them, admire her. The wind whipping through her hair she since likes to keep short now.

Eventually she turns to me and just smiles. "I know you're bummed that the season is over but I'm excited I can hog you now" she claims as I laugh.

"I'm pretty bummed but I don't think it will last that long. You made a list of things to do and we can get started on them. There's not a ton of time before I'm off to training camp again but what time I do have I will be using to build what we have. I'm sad this is the end but it's also the beginning" I promise her.

"I don't care what we do, as long as I get to do it with you" she smiles.

"We're going to have a beautiful life together. Just you want and see" I say.

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