(6) No Idea

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As I stare at myself in the mirror I couldn't help but smile. For the first time in a long time I was actually excited for something. I wasn't nervous that I'm missing a piece of this puzzle or scared that something I once did would just randomly pop up and I wouldn't know what to do. I wanted to see where this was going to go, and I wanted to see it to the end. Whatever that may be.

"Wow Jess, you look great" my youngest sister says as she stands in the doorway. I smile at her as I let out a soft sigh.


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"Thanks. I loved this dress when I picked it out and I love it even more now. Now I gotta pray that it's appropriate considering the only information I got was to dress nice and be ready by 5" I roll my eyes. He's a man of mystery, that's for sure.

"Well I love it. I think he will too" she smiles.

Anthony texts me that he was here so I walk out to his car. I find Anthony leaned against it in a red shirt that matches my dress. I couldn't help but smile as he starts to laugh as I approach him.

"Did you plan this" I accuse him.

"This I actually didn't" he promises.

"The universe has some interesting ways of putting us together, huh" I ask.

"You have no idea" he smiles.

He pulls me into a soft hug and I happily hug him back. My arms wrap around him as he pulls me into his chest. I couldn't help but let a smile take over as I close my eyes for a second. He smelled like heaven and felt like a big teddy bear.

"You look absolutely beautiful, Jessica" he says as we break apart.

"You sure do make me feel like it" I smile.

He opens the door and I hop on in. Anthony slides in next to me and we drive off to god knows where. I crack the window open and let the wind take my hair. I just relax and let life take the wheel.

After driving for a while we end up at the United center and I perk up a little. "Is there a game tonight" I guess.

"Nope, a concert" he smiles.

"Because you said you would show me some music" I connect as he nods.

"Yup. Just so happens that one of yo- I mean my favorite artists are here tonight" he says.

"And who is that" I question.

"Sam Smith. His first album came out last year and he was quite the hot commodity. You're gonna love him" he assures me.

"I trust you" I smile.

We get out the car and he carefully grabs my hand. He pulls me in close to him as my fingers lace through his. For our first date he sure was touchy but I kinda like it, I felt safe with him. Not like I can't get hurt, but if I do he will be there for me.

We walk up to the front and he pulls out two lanyards. He hands me one and they scan it before letting us in. Once we get past security there was some time between now and when the concert started so we stroll around for a little and he lets me stop for pictures with the Jordan statue and the Blackhawks and Bulls stuff. I wasn't all that big into sports, I was more of a caretaker than a fanatic, but from what I remember of sports was the Bulls dynasty and the Blackhawks winning in 2010 but barley. Growing up just outside of the city I saw a lot of sports history even if I didn't cautiously know it. So being here was really cool because as far as I know, I've never been here.

"So why did Sam Smith have to be the concert I needed to come to" I wonder as I look at the all across lanyard around my neck.

"Once you listen to his voice you will know" he promises.

We get in and show the security people our tickets. They take us front row and my eyes get big. "How did you get us down here when this was planned like four days ago" I ask.

"I have my ways" he smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Baseball perks" I accuse.

"No. Raising millions of dollars for the children's hospital perks" he tells me.

"You really raised that much" I gasp. "That's incredible."

"It's just the beginning. There's still more cures to find, more kids to help. After having my own bought with cancer I just want to do what I can so they don't feel like I did in there" he explains.

"You had cancer" I wonder softly. He pulls me in closer to him once he noticed how this information sorta killed my mood.

"I did. But I had a lot of support from my family and my team at the time. They helped me get better and now I get to help others get better too" he smiles.

"That's really awesome. I would love to see your foundation some day" I admit.

"We can make some plans" he promises.

The concert gets started and I even enjoyed the opening act. Music has always meant the world to me and I loved getting into new stuff, which I guess is most music nowadays.

Eventually the man of the hour comes out and he stands at the microphone just a few feet from us. He sold the place out and people seemed really excited about listening to him which made me excited. For him only having one record he sure had lots of fans.

"Good evening Chicago, I am so excited to be here" he starts and my eyes get big.

"Oh my god his voice is so cute" I cheer as Anthony laughs at me. He still had his hand in mine as he keeps me close.

"Just wait until you hear him sing" he insists.

His band starts to play a slow melodic tune and I automatically start to melt. The whole place gets silent to hear him start to sing.

From the first note I was hooked. I haven't heard anything like his voice, it was absolutely angelic. Mesmerizing. Hypnotic. I could feel the hairs on my arms start to raise as his voice dances around in my head. I smile real big as I watch in total amazement.

I look over at Anthony who was happily singing along and I feel my heart skip a beat. The fact he was sharing this with me, it means a lot. He didn't tell me who we were going to see so this was my first experience with this music was with him and it made all the difference in the world. I loved that he wants to share this with me, something so obviously special to him.

He turns to me to see if I was having a good time and of course I was. As the music moves through us we move in closer until we were chest to chest. Anthony slowly lifts his free hand until he sets it on my cheek. My free hand wraps around him as I pull him as close as I can.

In a swift motion my lips crash into his like waves on a shore. He lets go of my hand to grab my face and my fingers get wrapped up in his shirt. I feel my heart thumping against my chest as I try my best not to lose it. But I was lost in the perfect moment I had been missing for so long.

We slowly break apart as the music continues to play. I keep my eyes closed as my grip on him tightens. I finally look up at him as he had the biggest smile on his face which made me smile too.

Without a word he pulls me into another quick kiss and I giggle. He wraps his arm around me and we enjoy the rest of this concert in the kind of bliss you dream of.

Second Chance (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now