(8) Perspective

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It's mid May now and it's getting a little bit warmer in the city. Baseball weather was right around the corner and I was ready for the fans to fill in those long summer days at Wrigley with loud cheers. The team this year was doing better than any team I've been on and there was a lot to be excited about. We had guys coming up that was rounding the team out and for once the Chicago Cubs weren't the laughing stock of the league. Where I thought this year was for sure going to be the worst one of my entire life, it was starting to look up.

I sit on the edge of my bed and look at Jessie's old engagement ring as it sat in a box. Her dad was able to retrieve it from the hospital and gave it back to me just in case. He had been looking out for me through it all and I'm so thankful for him. It was my decision to leave her alone to figure things out but her dad wanted to keep me by for when Jess decides she is ready to face the world again. And I think she's there.

I pick her up from outside of the city and take her to the pier. We jump on my boat and I take us out far enough to the whole city without having to turn your head. I drop anchor before grabbing two wine glasses and some champagne. She sets out some sushi for lunch and I poor our drinks before sitting down on the seat next to her. She smiles so big as she watches my every move.

"Okay this is pretty awesome. What made you want to get a boat" she wonders.

"Well I'm from Florida so I liked going out on the ocean whenever I could growing up. I didn't have a boat there but I went boating with my buddies from school a little. When I got traded here I learned that you can take boats out on the lake and it has the best views of the city from out here. About a year after I got here I decided to learn to drive one and I got myself a boat last year. I have one in Florida too but get more use of this one in the summers here. The guys love to come out here with me, especially on the Fourth of July. The view of the fireworks from here is incredible" I explain.

"It's absolutely beautiful. It's amazing that the city looks so different from so many different spots. It's all about perspective I guess" she smiles.

"Perspective is important" I agree.

"What's this city like, from your perspective" she asks. I just smile because she loves to learn and more specifically about people. She will ask you a million questions just to know as much about you as you're willing to tell.

"I love this city with my whole heart. The people here are good people for the most part. A lot of hard workers who just want to see us do good. They support us through the highs and lows and I'm lucky to be able to play for this city, this organization. This place is special, you can feel it. And with so many sports teams around here and all the concerts it's always such a good time. The bad never seems too bad around here" I admit.

"What do you do when you're not really sure what to do and where to go" she wonders.

"I usually lean on my friends, go to the hospital and see if there's anything there I can do. Try to keep my mind busy" I admit.

"I wish I could do that. My mind is so blank I'm not even sure who to turn to to because lord knows my family is so scared to say the wrong things to me. My friends I thought I had aren't really my friends anymore. They all grew up and moved away. The relationships I made in college are all gone and I just feel so... alone" she sighs.

I feel my heart shatter in a million pieces. There's nothing I wanted more than to be there for her. I wanted to be someone she can lean on when she feels like she can't hold her head up anymore. And slowly I was becoming that again but it's going to take time. I can't expect her to crawl back to me like things haven't changed, because everything has changed. But as we find our way back to love I just want to keep her safe, and keep her happy.

"Why don't you come meet some of my friends" I word vomit all over the boat.

My eyes fill with regret because I really didn't think that through. Though a lot of these guys are new so I wouldn't have to worry as much, I know some of the guys had great memories with her and just like me they have to do everything in their might to try and forget them all.

"You don't have to introduce me to your friends yet if you don't want to" she claims as she senses my tension.

"No no, that's not it" I try as I get flustered trying to figure out what to say. "They can just be a handful sometimes. I don't want you to be overstimulated."

"I don't have to meet them yet Anthony, I promise" she assures me.

"They really want to meet you. And I want you to too. They're a big part of my life but so are you. If you think it wouldn't be too much for you to handle I would love to have you come hang out with everyone after a game" I insist.

She smiles a little as she just stares at me. I'm not sure if she believes me or not. "Alright. I'm down to meet your friends. I need people to keep me company" she claims and I smile.

"You're going to love them. The guys are a handful but behind every great guy is a greater girl. You'll fit right in" I say.

"Is that so" she questions.

"Of course. I think the world of you, I really hope you know that" I insist.

"How is that possible when I'm not even sure who I am" she claims.

"Becasue I admire your brain. Even after the stroke your brain is your strongest asset. You fill it with so much information to make the people around you feel loved and important. You're the only person that makes me feel that way" I try.

"You're the only person in my life who doesn't look at me like I'm just an accidental life spared. You make me feel... whole" she admits.

"Good" I smile.

We finish our sushi and watch the sunset over the water. She sits under my arm as her head rests on my shoulder. I felt like a giant piece of me was missing and now I have it back again and feel whole.

Second Chance (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now