(60) Second Chance

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What would it take you to believe in second chances? Would it take you forgetting everything and starting over new? Or would you want to remember everything and build from there?

Usually second chances don't give you the option to choose what you remember. And not many times does the second time become better than the first time around. Then again my story is a bit more complicated than starting over because I was the only one in my life who had to.

My brain let me down, I had to learn how to eat without assistance, how to walk and talk on my own, how to care for myself all over again. And that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was leaving that hospital and walking out into a world I didn't remember. Living the same life everyone else is living but five years in the past. It sucked, everyone knew who I was except for me. I had lost practically my life, my friends, my fiancé, my degrees and everything I made myself into. I was terrified.

And through it all I found love again in a place I had found it once before. My second chance was both starting over and building on what I used to have. And without that second chance I don't have the wonderful life I do now.

It's April 2020 and you know what that means, we're stuck in quarantine. But it's not all bad, I got Tiny and Anthony and our Twins we had back in January. After consulting with doctors it was deemed safe for me to carry, though the twins were quite the surprise. But it was a nice surprise, life always seemed to be handing me shocking revelations it was nice to have a good one for once. And quarantine has given Anthony and I extra time to be with them. We had a beautiful little boy named Vincent like his daddy's middle name and our precious little girl was Astrid, which means starlike.

They were the greatest thing I've ever known. Maybe a pain in my ass and almost completely destroyed my body, but I wouldn't change it for the world. They light up my world just like their father does and the only good thing about being stuck inside.

"Babe" Anthony whispers as we were all laid up in bed. And don't worry, Tiny has his own bed in our room that he fits in and he lays in watched over the twins. "Babe you gotta see this" he whispers again.

So I roll over in bed to find the twins laying between us. I would be lying if I said nap time wasn't my favorite time of the day.

I look down and see Vince and Astrid holding hands as they slept the day away. I thought my heart was going to fall out right there. "Oh my god" I say softly with tears in my eyes. They were still quite small at just three months. But they were pretty inseparable, they cry at the same time, poop at the same time, eat at the same time. Which is nice time wise so I only have to do tasks at one time but it makes for one tired momma. At least I got Anthony here with me these first three months. He was gone for like three weeks for spring training but even then the girls on the team was able to help. They loved watching over the babies and watching all of the twin things they do. But now no one is allowed over, my family and his family hasn't seen them since early last month and they haven't been out of the house either. They're small and don't have much of a immune system so we're extra careful. They didn't have any of the problems that a lot of twins have but I also wasn't going to risk it.

"Can you get a picture" I ask as they were passed out in my arm. Half the time they won't sleep unless I'm touching them which I don't mind. I loved holding them.

"Already did" he says proudly as he shows me the picture.

"I meant just of the babies I look a mess" I insist.

"You look absolutely beautiful please shut up" he replies.

"Well since you asked so nicely" I tease.

"I'm serious. You're an amazing mother and you're just as beautiful as the first day I met you. And the second first day I met you" he jokes as I roll my eyes.

"Well thank you" I smile.

We go back to sleep for a little before deciding to at least go outside for a little. We had a nice mobile play pin and the babies love tummy time on the blanket in the great outdoors. So we take them out back and sit on the ground with them. They play with their toys and I find myself enjoying some of the weirdest times of my life. I was ready to take on baseball season but I wasn't going to downplay the fact that this was a blessing in disguise. A chance for Anthony and I to be fully involved in our kids' life when they need us most. And when duty calls we will be ready, do whatever we can to get baseball back to the great people of Chicago and staying safe. But I was going to enjoy hogging Anthony to myself.

I lay with my head in his lap as he plays with my hair. I watch the babies make noises only they understand and thank god they have a lifelong friend in each other.

"I love you so much" Anthony says randomly and I look up at him. He stares down at me just smiling as big as possible.

"I love you too Anthony" I assure him.

"I was just thinking about how not many people get second chances. But I did and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. And it sucks because not a lot of people get that second chance but we did. And my life is so much better because of it" he says.

I pull him down into a kiss and it was a beautiful moment for a second. Then my little man started to cry and Astrid joined in and the moment was over.

"I got them" he assures me.

I watch him pick them up and they settle a little. He kissed them both on their head and I just smile to myself, so thankful for my second chance.

Second Chance (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now