X. Freedom

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The Next Afternoon

I exhaled a deep breath once I entered the house, finally happy to just relax. I immediately slid off my heels, holding them by the heels as I began to walk up the stairs.

"Brielle, can I speak with you please?" My mom called out to me from the living room once I got to the top of the stairs.

I sighed, "Yeah, one sec." I answered, walking into my room.

I placed my heels neatly in my closet, sat down my purse on my desk and shimmied off my red blazer. I swiftly walked out my room and trotted down the stairs and into the living room where my mom sat down on the black couch.

"Yes?" I asked, sitting down in the white love seat.

"About your little outburst last night," she began making me internally groan and roll my eyes, "What was that all about?"

I shrugged, "I was just cranky, it's that time of the month." I lied.

My mom shook her head, "Brielle, don't lie to me. What's going on?"

I sighed, crossing my leg of the other and leaned against the armrest, "I'm just kind of sick of you controlling my life." I said honestly.

"Controlling? I'm not controlling your life." She denied.

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes, "Ever since I was born, you've been controlling me."

She shook her head, "I've been trying to help you, Brielle."

"Beauty pageants? Modeling?" I listed on my fingers, raising my eyebrow.

"You love doing those,"

"Loved! When I was a kid I loved beauty pageants but now I hate them. They're a waste of money! I can deal with modeling, that's no problem. But you can't keep telling me what to do, I'm eighteen!" I exclaimed, getting angrier by the minute.

My mom looked astounded, "I-I," she faltered, "why didn't you tell me this?"

I sighed, "Because, you contradict with everything I say. I didn't wanna let you down."

My mom sighed and stood up, smoothing out her black pencil skirt, "Well, you're eighteen. You can choose your own life now, I won't contradict you anymore."

I nodded, "I want more freedom too." I stated.

She opened her mouth to say something but stopped, answering me with a simple nod before walking away. I shrugged and hopped up from my seat, jogging up the stairs.

I walked into my room, closing the door. I whipped my phone out my pocket and quickly dialed the first person to mind.

I stood in front of my full body mirror, combing through my hair with my hand after I pulled it down from the high ponytail.


"Meet me at Starbucks, I have some pretty interesting news."

* * * *

"So she just accepted it?" Marie asked, sipping her iced caramel macchiato.

I nodded and shrugged one shoulder, "Yeah, it was weird."

Marie raised her eyebrows while exhaling, "Well on the good side, you don't have to do pageants anymore."

I smiled, "Yes, thank goodness because the Miss Young Adult was coming up and I know she'd make me compete." I looked up at the sky in a thankful gesture.

Marie scrunched up her face, "Pageants are so sexist and demeaning. You feel less of yourselves if you lose." She lectured.

I nodded, "Yeah, I hate it now that I'm older. I know how they tear down your confidence."

"Well you've won the last couple of them so you don't really have to worry about that Miss Gorgeous." She smirked, sipping her drink.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, I still know how hard it was. Plus the girls were such bitches, I couldn't stand any of them. I hate the atmosphere." I complained.

"Of course they're gonna be bitches, they wanna win so they try to show their 'dominant' side." She used air quotes.

"I didn't do that."

"Well you're a totally different person. I don't think you have a mean bone in you." She teased me.

"Lies, remember senior year when I punched that girl in the face?" I reminisced.

Marie gasped, "Oh my gosh yes!" She tittered, "You broke her nose in three places."

I shrugged, "She'd been talking shit about me since Freshman year, I was sick of it. Plus it was the last day so why not?" I said nonchalantly

She laughed, "What was her name? Julie? Julia? Julienne?" She guessed.

"I think that was her friends name." I shook my head, "Or well sidekick."

Marie laughed, "On another note, have you told Jack?" She sipped her drink,

I shook my head, "Haven't talked to him yet."

"Call him and go hang out!" She exclaimed.

I licked my lips, "I don't wanna bother him. I'll wait until he calls me."

Marie smacked her lips, "Brielle, I know he wants to hang out with you just as much. Call him."

I smiled and looked down at my drink, contemplating the thought. I exhaled a light breath, tilting my head to the side.

After a few minutes of thinking, I pulled my phone out my pocket and found his number and pressing call. It rang a few times before he answered.


"Jack, I have a proposal for you." I grinned, biting my bottom line softly.

"Already? We haven't even properly been on a first date nor had our first kiss. But I mean I'm all f-"

"Are you gonna let me explain it or keep talking?" I cut him off, tilting my head.

"So sassy today," he commented with a slight chuckle, "I love it. Continue."

"You and me, tonight at 8. Dress comfortably, we're going on an adventure."



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