VII. Sweet Escape

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"I'm so bored," I mumbled to Marie, turning my head to the side and hiding my mouth with my hand.

Marie raised her eyebrows and nodded in agreement, "Same, why are we even here?"

I shrugged and sat straight up, making sure to never slouch. I tapped my hands on my thighs lightly to a random rhythmic beat as my eyes searched around the huge restaurant.

It was a beautiful venue, dim lights with beautiful chandeliers hanging above every table/booth. Every table had a red table cloth over the black spray painted tables. The silverware wraps were all black. The carpet was black and the walls were a maroon color.

Very elegant to say the least.

As I reached to take a sip of my sparkling water, my phone vibrated in the waist band of my spandex shorts I wore underneath my high-waisted skirt. It would be rude and pretty disgusting if I just stuck my hand down my skirt so I decided to excuse myself from the table.

I opened the bathroom door, making sure nobody else was in there as I stuck my hand in my spandex and pulled my phone out the waistband of my shorts. I smoothed out my leather skirt and unlocked my phone, seeing that it was a text message from Jack.

"Hey are you busy?" It read.

"Yes, but is there something you need?" I quickly replied back, leaning my back against the counter, crossing one ankle over the other.

"Is it important busy or I'm forced to be here busy?" He asked with a smirking emoji.

I chortled softly, "Option two, how can I help you Jack?"

"Would you like to escape?" He asked again.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What are you up to Jack Gilinsky?"

"I can help you escape under one circumstance." He once again sent me a smirking emoji.

"And that is?"

"You have to hang out with me."

I grinned softly, rolling my eyes playfully, "Oh gee, I don't know if I'd like that." I joked, pressing send.

"I promise it'll be fun. We could get far away for a few hours."


"Not too far."
"Just trust me, Brielle." He sent in two messages.

I pursed my lips together, leaning my head back faintly as I thought this over. As much as I'd hate to leave Marie by herself, leaving and getting far away sounded great.

"How do you plan on getting me away?"

* * * *

About ten minutes later of sitting at the dinner table, waiting for Jacks plan to come to life, my mothers phone began to ring in perfect timing.

She excused herself and answered the phone professionally, "Jennifer White's phone, how may I help you?"

I smirked to myself as I leaned back against my seat, my legs crossed over each other as I watched her discreetly, siping my water.

"Oh?" She turned to look over at me. I raised my eyebrows and tilted my chin upward slightly.

"It looks like they need you back for the music video. They decided to add a few more parts and they need to film it all night." My mom informed me, ending her call.

I smiled inwardly, realizing that this was Jack's master plan. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a good one.

I sighed, "Oh man, well duty calls." I stood up from my seat, "Dinner was great, have a great rest of the night everyone."

I bent down and gave Marie a quick hug, "I'll call you tomorrow." I whispered to her before letting go.

"Make sure you change and take the spare key with you, Brielle!" My mom reminded me, I gave her a nod as I quickly walked out the restaurant.

As I walked out the door, the cool wind whipped against my warm skin causing chills to appear on my arm. I held onto my left upper arm as I approached the Black Jeep.

"You think you're so smart don't you?" I leaned against the door, smirking at a smiling Jack who wore a black hoodie and black raybans.

"Don't tell me that wasn't a good plan." He tilted his head, his expression reading 'c'mon now!'

I chortled and opened the car door, carefully hopping inside. I closed the door once I was fully inside and buckled myself in. I looked over at Jack who was already looking at me.

I did a double take and smirked, "What?" I knitted my eyebrows together.

He shook his head, "Nothing, you look really fancy tonight."

"Thank you?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as to what his reply was insinuating.

Jack started the car and began driving towards my house, "It was a compliment, no worries."

I nodded and looked out the window, watching the palm tress past by. The silence filled the car but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was peaceful.

"Can I ask you something?" Jack asked, glancing over at me momentarily.

"Yes." I nodded.

Jack licked his lips, tightening his grip on the steering wheel, "Why are you always so professional?" He asked, "like even around me you're extremely professional. I've never seen you just laid back and relaxed." He pointed out.

I shrugged, "Just how I was raised I assume."

Jack chuckled, "See!" He held out his hand and pushed up his shoulders, "You just sound so professional."

"Is that a problem?" I asked, turning my head to look over at him with a somewhat raised eyebrow.

He shrugged, "I mean not really but I don't want you to feel as if you have to be professional with me. I want you to be you." He explained.

I quietly huffed, not at him but more at myself.

I wanted to be myself too.

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