II. Unexpected Call

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The Next Day

It was days like this that I cherished; off days. For the first time in a month, I finally had a day all to myself to just relax and do nothing. Or so I expected.

My mother had insisted that I had clothes on and had my makeup done just in-case I had somewhere to go. I know you're wondering why I'm letting my mother rule my life even though I'm eighteen and legal. You obviously do not know my mother. Let me explain,

My mother is the owner of a very serious fashion line and business, she designs clothing and organized fashion runways. Jennifer White is the head company and business owner of J.W Fashion and my mother. Not only that but she also models for numerous magazines.

So, as you can imagine, she's a very fancy and dressy person 24/7. I mean for goodness sake the women sleeps in designer silk bed-sheets and sleepwear.

Thus, as to why my mom is such a controlling person. When you've been controlling since your teenage years then decide to be "rebellious" and get pregnant at the age of 18, you try your hardest to keep your daughter safe.

Or at-least that's how she has explained it to me a plethora of times.

Anyways, did I mention I did happen to have one really close friend? Probably not, let me introduce her.

Marie Jamenson, we've been friends since middle school believe it or not. She's the only friend my mom allows me to have since she knows my lifestyle. Her mother, Eve Jamenson, works with my mom. They've known each other since College and, weirdly enough, got pregnant around the same time.

Marie doesn't really know my struggles since she's not into beauty pageants or modeling, she's just a regular student at UCLA working to get a Master's in Medical. She, as you can assume, wants to work in the medical field.

Although she doesn't really know my struggles, she's still one of the best girls you'd ever meet. Without her, I honestly don't think I could function correctly. She was like my right hand.

"Brielle!" Marie's voice boomed through the room as she bursted through my bedroom door without a knock, like usual.

"Marie!" I smiled happily, hopping up and embracing her into a tight hug which she immediately returned.

"I heard the good news!" She exclaimed, pulling back slightly as she held onto my forearms.

I furrowed my eyebrows, turning my head slightly, "The music video gig?" I questioned.

"Duh!" She giggled, "So, who are they and do you have pictures?" She lead me over to my bed and sat me down.

I chortled, pulling out my phone, "They're a duo, Jack and Jack. They're both eighteen and they're from Omaha, Nebraska." I began, pulling up a picture of them on my phone, "and that's them." I held it out in-front of her face.

She gasped, taking the phone out my hand slowly, "Brielle!" She hit my shoulder lightly, "They're so hot." She gawked at the screen.

"Okay," I dragged out, taking the phone out her gasp, "Yeah they're pretty good looking."

"Are you both of their love interest or..?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

I shook my head, "No, I'm the dark haired boy's love interest. Once he saw me and read my file, he insisted on having me. He didn't even wanna look at the other girls." I explained, feeling slightly flattered.

She aw'd, "That's so cute! Bri, he's got a crush."

I chuckled, "I don't mix business with pleasure." I sighed, looking down at my phone in my lap.

She sucked her teeth at me, "When is the last time you even went on a date with a boy?" She asked.

I sighed sadly, "Sophmore year and that's because I snuck out but got busted the next day."

"Have you even had a boyfriend, Brielle?"

I nodded, "Yeah but not a serious relationship. My mom never let me, she'd tell me 'works comes before boys'." I mocked my mothers words, scrunching up my face and wagging my finger like her.

Marie rubbed my back, "We're gonna get you a boyfriend, Bri. I mean look at you, you're gorgeous! I'd kill to look like you and I know boys would kill to be with you. I mean, look at your fanbase." She exclaimed.

I chuckled, "I mean I guess, but you know my mom wouldn't al-"

"Blah, blah, blah, Brielle you are eighteen years old. You are not a baby, " She stood up straight and proud, "You're an adult now. You can date whomever you'd like."

I nodded confidently, "You're right, I know. I just," I sighed, running my hand through my hair, "I need to move out man."

"I agree," She nodded, looking around my room, "Hey!" She exclaimed, her facial expression almost as if a lightbulb had just went off in her head, "Move in with me! I have an extra room and I'd love a roommate, and who better than my best friend!" She suggested.

I bit my lip, "I don't know, I'd have to tell my mom about it. But don't worry, I'm not turning down your offer. Just give me a little time."

Before Marie could say anything, my phone started going off on my lap. I looked down and saw that it was a unknown number. I grabbed it and lifted it up, "Unknown?" I questioned confused.

"Want me to answer it?" Marie asked.

I nodded and handed it to her, watching her clear her throat before sliding it to answer, "Brielle White's phone, how may I help you?" She joked, giggling softly.

I didn't hear the voice on the other side but Marie looked shocked and excited, 'Yes of course, hold on."

She handed the phone over to me, covering the speaker, "Oh my god!" She said in hushed tones, putting the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered slightly cautious.

"Brielle?" The male's voice asked, it was slightly raspy.

"Yeah?" I dragged out, kind of eager to know who was calling.

"It's Jack Gilinsky, I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner tonight. I think we should get to know each other, my treat. What'dya say?"

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