XXI. Proof?

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Brandon's POV

"What the hell are you doing here, Mikaela?" I hissed, pushing her against the wall in the closet.

I grabbed her as she was on her way to the bathroom and pulled her into the nearest closed off room. It just so happened to be a closest where we keep our towelettes.

"Enjoying the food." She smirked, pushing my arms off her forcefully.

I scoffed, "Yeah and Brielle White just happens to be here right?"

Mikaela shrugged, "It's a pretty known restaurant, Brandon."

"I told you I want nothing to do with this." I seethed, pointing my finger at her.

She nodded, "I know."

"Then why are you here?" I said slowly, anger evident in my tone.

"You know why I'm here, Brandon. I need to scope her out." She explained.

"Scope her out somewhere else. Leave!" I demanded.

"But I already ordered m-"

"Now!" I pointed to the door, raising my voice.

Her nostrils flared and she glared heavily at me. She huffed as she bumped pass me and out the door. The force she used to push open the door caused it to slam shut.

"Uh, Brandon?" My co-worker, Tony, opened the door slightly, "you alright in here?" He asked.

I let out a deep breath, "Yeah." I walked towards the door.

"Who was that?"

"My crazy ass little step-sister.."

* * * *

Brielle's POV

My fingers tapped absentmindedly against the table as I looked around for anything suspicious. Knowing Mikaela she could've planned this whole thing with her brother.

How did she know I was gonna be here? I hadn't told anyone and plus we don't even have mutual friends so how could she have known.

What does she even want from me? I'm so sick of this bullshit already. I grew more aggravated by the minute as I thought about this whole situation.

"Brielle, can you please just calm down?" Jack asked, placing his hand in mine to stop the tapping, "You're making me nervous." He chuckled softly.

I sighed and sat up straight, "I'm sorry, I'm just paranoid."

Jack nodded, "I understand, but nothing's going to happen to you. Not while I'm here."

I smiled softly before grabbing my champagne glasses filled with sparking water and raised it to my lips, "It's not just me I'm worried about." I mumbled.

"Huh?" He asked.

I shook my head, swallowing my drink, "Nothing, hey look you wanna go grab desert somewhere else? My treat." I suggested apprehensively.

Before Jack could answer, my attention was averted to an angry Mikaela barging out of the restaurant door. I furrowed my eyebrows and followed where she had stormed away from, meeting the sympathetic and confused eyes of her brother.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Jack agreed, waving over Brandon for the check.

Brandon swiftly walked over to our table and put on a fake smile, "How can I help you guys?"

"Can we have the check, please?" Jack asked politely.

I on the other-hand stared at Brandon, confusion clear in my eyes and probably my facial expression. As Brandon gave Jack the check, he glanced at me. He looked like he wanted to say something.

I pursed my lips and looked away, bouncing my foot rapidly and chewed on my bottom lip. Jack handed Brandon the money and a tip, thanking him for serving us.

"Come on, let's go." I said anxiously.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows at me, "I have to use the bathroom real quick, I'll be right back." He stood up and followed the arrow to the men's bathroom.

"Look, Brielle-" Brandon began.

"No you look," I interjected, "I don't know what you or your psychotic sister wants from me, but it needs to stop." I hissed.

"I told her I didn't want anything to do with this. I promise you I didn't know she or you were gonna be here and I have no idea how she knew." He said quietly.

"What does she want?'" I exclaimed, my tone showing how aggravated I was.

Brandon shrugged, "She said something about a pageant and you cheating."

"This is what this is about?!" I lowly exclaimed.

"I think there's more to it." Brandon sighed.

"Tell her if she wants the fucking crown she can have it." I seethed, "And if she tries to harm me or anyone I care about I'll -"

"Brielle, you ready?" Jack asked, drying his hands with a brown piece of paper towel.

I swallowed my saliva hard and nodded, "Stay away from me. The both of you." I whispered, throwing my napkin in the table and walked away.

* * * *

Jack and I sat on the roof of his car, watching the lights of LA shine throughout the city on a cliff alongside a hiking trail.

Thousands of stars were scattered across the dark sky, twinkling. The big half moon was bright and seemed incredibly close. It was a beautiful sight to see and it was even more enjoyable with our ice cream in hand.

We both sat in an odd silence. It wasn't awkward yet it wasn't comfortable. There were words that wanted to be said and questions that wanted to be asked but it was as if neither of us knew how to approach the subject.

"I'm sorry about dinner, I know it wasn't how you planned." I broke the silence, looking down at my ice cream cone.

"It's fine." Jack reassured me.

I shook my head, "No it's not. I let Mikaela get the best of me and get under my skin. I ruined dinner but I promise I'll make it up to you." I looked over at him.

"Brielle, it wasn't your fault." Jack placed his hand on my knee.

I let out a deep exhale. "She's weird enough to get under anyone's skin." Jack added, causing me to chuckle softly.

"You have no idea. I just want her to leave me alone." I sighed, licking my ice cream.

"Do you know what she wants?" He asked, licking his ice cream as well.

I shrugged, "Whatever it is, it has to do with a pageant I won I'm guessing."

"Do you know which one?"

"The last pageant I had against her was last year. She won second place and was livid, once again. She flipped again but it wasn't as bad as the last time." I explained, "She kept yelling about how it was rigged."

"Show her proof that it wasn't." Jack suggested.

"But how?"

Jack licked his lips, "Find the judges and have them explain."

I scoffed, "It's not that easy." I ran my hands through my hair, "The only way I could find out who the judges were is..." I trailed off.

My eyes widen and I hopped off the car, "Jack we gotta go." I threw the ice cream down.

"What why?" He got off the car.

I smirked, "I know how to find the judges."

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