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New York City, the city that never sleeps. Such an accurate representation. There were so many people. I thought LA was packed but man.

My mom and I had finally arrived at our hotel and were currently on our way to a meeting with a bunch of models and designers.

"Oh I'm so excited!" My mom gushed for the tenth time, "Remember to act professional."

I nodded, "I know mom." I sighed, crossing my leg over my knee.

"What's wrong, Brielle? Are you not excited?" She asked, taking her sunglasses off her face and folding them.

I shrugged, "I am, just kind of nervous."

She patted my knee, "There's nothing to worry about. You're a beautiful girl on her road to success, this is just the beginning."

* * * *

"Well Miss Brielle, it's gonna be a pleasure to have you walking on the runway." The head director, Montè, shook my hand firmly.

I returned a smiled, "It's an honor, I can't wait."

He smiled with a nod, "I'll see you tomorrow morning, Brielle." With that, he walked away to go talk to some of the other models.

I grabbed my purse and walked out of the interview room to be met with an excited mother. I had told her before the meeting that I didn't need her to come inside with me, knowing how assertive she is.

"How was it? How'd everything go? Was there any problems?" She questioned, her heels clicking against the marble floor quickly as she tried to stay at the same pace as me as we walked.

"Fine, great and no." I answered, pushing open the door, being instantly hit with a small gust of wind.

"Just fine? Well, is that good?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

I stopped and turned to face her with a soft small, "Everything went as it's suppose to, I have to be here by 10am and the show starts at 6pm." I reassured her.

She sighed in relief, "That's great! I'm so excited." She squealed, grabbing my shoulders and placing a kiss on both of my cheeks.

I chortled, shaking my head, "Let's catch a cab and head to the hotel, I need a nap." I ran my hand gingerly through my hair, not wanting to mess it up.

"A nap? Nonsense, we're in the big apple! Let's go take a bite out of it."

* * * *

"I'm exhausted, please remind me to never shop with my mom again." I complained, leaning my elbow on the desk as I spoke to Marie via Skype.

She giggled, "Don't be so surprised, you know who your mom is."

I nodded with a quick raise of my eyebrow, "Very true. So what did you do today?" I asked, combing my hair up in a makeshift ponytail before letting it fall on my back.

"Boring. I just went to class, worked and went to the beach for a little. Nothing special." She shrugged, "Have you spoken to Jack yet?" She asked with a smirk.

I shook my head, "No I haven't. Why?"

She shrugged with a smirk, "No reason." She singsonged.

"Marie, don't be that friend." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

She laughed, "I saw him today with his friends at the skate park."

"Okay? And?" I asked, wondering where the point to this subject was.

"Well," she dragged out, "they started talking to me and then we got on the subject to you." She wiggled her eyebrows.

I groaned, "Oh boy."

"He told me he thinks you're cute and he-" She was cut off by the ringing of my phone.

I grabbed my phone from beside my laptop and tittered, "Speak of the devil." I muttered.

"Is it Jack?" She questioned.

I nodded, pressing accept and putting it on speaker, "Brielle White speaking, how can I help you?" I smirked.

"It seems like I have the wrong person." He chuckled lightly.

"I'm just kidding," I giggled, "What's up?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking about you and decided to give you a call." He spoke softly.

I couldn't help but smile, "Thinking about me huh?" I smirked, raising my eyebrows and lowered my chin as I looked at Marie who was grinning.

"How cute." She cooed quietly.

"Aw don't tease me now." He groaned, letting out a small chortle.

I bit my lip, "How are you and your day going?" I asked, making conversation.

"I'm great and my day was productive, thankfully."

"I see you're one that likes to be productive." I noted, nodding as I played with the hem of my shirt.

"Yes, I hate being unproductive."

I furrow my eyes a little, "Is that so? Not even a chill day?" I asked.

"Well I mean there's always a time for that but I'd rather be doing something then just sitting around." He explains.

I shrugged, "I honestly cherish the days I have off. I'm always so busy." I slightly whined.

"At least you're getting things done. It'll all pay off in the future."

"Very true," I agreed, "Look at you getting all inspirational." I laughed.

Jack chuckled, "I'm being honest. But anyway, how's New York treating you?"

"There's so many people, my mom dragged me to Time Square and I don't think I've ever seen so many people in one area for different reasons in my life." I raised my eyebrows, shaking my head.

"You guys are so cute!" Marie squealed, covering her mouth afterwards.

"Who was that?" Jack laughed.

"That was just my friend, Marie." I sighed, scolding her with a glare.

"Is she there with you?" He asked.

I shook my head even though he couldn't see, "No I was skyping her before you called."

"Oh that's the one I talked to at the skate park earlier right?" He inquired.

"Yes I am!" Marie smiled proudly, making me giggle.

"Oh, well, hello Marie." Jack tittered.

"Hello Jack." She nodded almost like a bow.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her, "Well I should be going to bed now. I have to wake up early and run a few errands before the show." I sighed lightly.

"Aw, well will I get to talk to you tomorrow?" He asked.

I smiled softly, "I'll make sure of it. Goodnight Jack."

"Goodnight Brielle."

I hung up the phone and sighed happily, locking my phone and looking at the computer to see a grinning Marie.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "What?"

"You guys are so cute, I'm dying." Marie squealed.

I tittered, shaking my head faintly, "Oh my goodness, goodnight Marie."

"Goodnight Brielle." She singsonged before I clicked end, closing my my laptop and making my way over to my bed.

I laid in bed and exhaled a deep breathe I didn't know I was holding in, only two things on my mine.

Walking on the runway tomorrow and Jack.

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