XVI. Chaos

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Chaos is the perfect word to explain my situation right now.

It was currently 5:00pm and the show started in an hour so there were tons of people moving around, shouting for certain items. I had about four people working on my hair and makeup, it was so surreal.

To add onto my nervousness, I was just recently informed that I was going to be the first model to walk out. Nervous was a complete and utter understatement; I was freaking out on the inside.

"Okay Brielle, makeup and hair is done. Go ahead and quickly go get your first outfit on." One of the makeup artists, Serena, instructed me.

I stood up from the black chair and quickly made my way to the dressing rooms, being careful not to bump into anybody even though it felt impossible because it was so crowded.

"Oh great, here's the first outfit." The designer, Alex, shoved a few articles of clothing in my hands.

I sighed and expeditiously slid off my robe and began to dress myself in the clothes given to me. My hands were shaking and I continuously took deep breathes trying to calm myself down.

"Showtime in 10! I need all my beginning models checked and ready!" The stage director, Christina, shouted, making my heart race even more.

I was handed a pair of heels and pushed towards the front of the row which would be walking out momentarily. People were around me fluffing my hair and touching up my makeup while my nerves were all over the face.

I finally had a small amount of time to check my phone which was placed on the shelf next to me with all my other things. The first thing to pop up was a text message from Jack, making me smile softly.

"I know you're probably extremely busy right now but I just wanted to text you to let you know I was thinking about you. Good luck out there on the runway, I know you're gonna kill it! Shake off the nerves and relax. Can't wait to hear all about it." Signed with a red heart and a kissy face emoji.

I couldn't help but break out in a huge smile, I had to stop myself from biting my lip so I wouldn't mess up my lipstick.

"20 seconds everyone! Places!!" Christina shouted with enthusiasm.

I placed my phone back in its original spot and closed my eyes, taking a few deep breathes to try and shake myself rid of the nerves. Jacks words were processing through my head, easing me.

"Are you ready?" Christina asked with a smile on her face, gripping my shoulders.

I let out a deep breath and nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be." I muttered.

Here goes nothing.

* * * *

"How was it!" Marie exclaimed as soon as she saw me via Skype.

"Terrifying at first but I got comfortable afterwards." I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"You look exhausted." She said sympathetically.

"Aka I look like shit, yeah I'm aware." I tittered, rubbing my eyes.

"You honestly don't look that bad, your eyes are just heavy." She replied with a faint shrug.

I blew a raspberry, "There's another show tomorrow and I'm walking in it again." I informed her, grabbing my phone and unlocking it.

"Are you more or less nervous than before?" She questioned.

I hummed, pursing my lips, "A little less since I have the feel for it now. It's just so hectic."

I leaned forward in my seat, propping my elbows on the drag as I opened up my texting app and decided to finally reply back to Jack.

"Thank you for the text earlier, it really helped ease my nerves." I sent along with a kissy face emoji.

"Did you even hear me?" Marie asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Sorry, I was texting Jack back from this morning." I apologized.

She hummed in a high-pitch voice, "Jack huh?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

I chortled, "Why do you always do that when I bring up his name?" I groaned playfully.

"Because you guys need to make it official between you two asap." She replied nonchalantly.

I rolled my eyes, "Relax, we're just friends. He's a really good person to have around, I like his energy."

"He really likes you, I can tell." She smiles softly.

My phone began to ring before I could speak. Jacks face popped up on my screen and I couldn't stop myself from smiling a little.

"It's him isn't it?" Marie smirked.

I nodded and bit my bottom lip, "Yeah,"

She nodded, "Say no more, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you, bye!" She said quickly and hung up.

I giggled softly and accepted his call, bring the phone up to my ear, "Hello?" I answered.

"Hello miss Brielle White." He answered cheekily.

I raised my eyebrows, "Oh so you wanna speak to Miss Brielle White now?"

Jack chortled, "How was your day supermodel?"

I shook my head as I pushed myself up off my chair, "I'm no supermodel but it was okay. I didn't expect the preparation for a runway show to be so hectic."

"I'm sure you did amazing though." He dismissed.

"How can you be so sure?" I held my phone between my ear and shoulder and I ran my hands through my hair, making a messy bun.

"Because you're amazingly beautiful and I believe in you." He said softly.

Not gonna lie, my heart fluttered faintly. I felt myself blush - which rarely ever happens. I covered my face with my hands as I shook my head.

"You're too sweet." I managed to say without stuttering.

"I speak only the truest things." He spoke in a British accent, making me laugh.

"You know," he began, "I'm not gonna lie, I honestly miss you."

I grinned, "I miss you too Jack."

"Only 6 more days, right? Then we can finally have our first date?" He asked for reassurance.

I nodded, biting my lip afterwards, "Yes, I can't wait."

"Me neither."

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